Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Hello Hello!

I am going to start off with some Hermana Whetten Wisdom! "Any excuse, no matter how valid, always weakens the character." "There is a difference between eating to live and living to eat." Deep huh? Ya so don't worry about me, I am getting life coached every day! Spanish update: now I am understanding enough to recognize what I am not understanding. Haha, sometimes it is frustrating because I feel like I can't have my personality when we are communicating in spanish. But I can tell I am learning.
This week was really awesome for us! We found 6 new investigators. For some reason our pool of investigators pretty much consists of middle aged single men. haha. Which is a struggle and a blessing. It means we always have to find a member that is available to come with us and usually pick them up and drop them off, but that means we always have the help of members in the lessons and our investigators get to know people from church. This week was an eye opener for me. We met a man who straight up told us he is addicted to drugs and alcohol but wants to change his life. After our second lesson with him when we got in the car I just had to cry. We teach him in an empty apartment because he literally has nothing right now. He doesn't have a job, and his family is far away. His circumstances have made him really humble. I thought to myself, this man seriously has nothing and has nothing going for him...why would he care about Joseph Smith or the book of mormon right now? Shouldn't we be hleping him get some food or find a job? Like he has some more important issues right now! It is painful to see someone in such sad circumstances. I am so glad I met him and had to go through this thought process. I learned and was able to testify to him that no matter your circumstances, the story of Joseph Smith and the book of mormon are important! Because through the prophet Joseph Smith, Heavenly Father restored the priesthood and the church of Jesus Christ. It is through Christ that we can truly change and have hope for anything! So actually anyone struggling with anything, what they really need is the knowledge of the restoration!    
I am looking forward to this week because we get to go to the temple! Love you!!!!
Hermana Mulliner

Monday, December 17, 2012

Week 2!

Whew I honestly cannot believe this is the start of my third week in this area! It is really weird that it is Christmas time because there is no snow, it's not even cold. Everyone is asking me why I don't have a jacket and I am thinking for what? Some highlights from this week was meeting this inactive girl who introduced us to her blue log, recieving some african tea, doing yoga with Hermana Whetten, actually attempting to do yoga with Hermana Whetten, but my favorite part of the week was last night because it was our stake christmas choir activity. Every ward in the stake sang a christmas hymn, which was a little tender mercy for me because I got to see all the members from North Hollywood! Including Hna Marquez. When our ward was walking up to the stand to go sing some of the kids from North Hollywood ran up and gave me a hug...aw I teared up! It was also a proud teacher moment haha. North hollywood sang a song in english, so it was really fun to hear it after helping them pronounce the words in english class. It is really hard to switch areas. But Reseda is great so it hasn't been hard to be here!
Last night I had an experience where I opened my mouth and the Lord filled it! A member brought an elderly Jewish lady that she takes care of to the choir activity. This Jewish lady had a ton of questions about mormons. She was an intimidating lady, in a wheelchair and her voice was raspy because of a health problem. She was asking all the different reasons for why mormons do different things and what they believe about certain things. About the temple, scriptures, family history, etc. I was praying the whole conversation because I was feeling like this was a life long build up of questions she had wanted to ask! When we were on the way home I was thinking about her, and realized how did I think to say all of that! Haha, in the moment I didn't recognize it but afterwards I realized I had a lot of help answering those questions.
New years and the Christmas season is an awesome time to be a missionary because people are in the spirit to make change! We met a man this past week and he accepted to be baptized at the end of the month! Our lessons so far with him would be hilarious to an outsider just watching. He talks super fast and kind of slurs his words together so neither one of us can understand him well, so we just sit down and struggle to say what we want to say and then point to things in the pamphlets to answer the question we think he is asking! I think some of our investigators have the gift of interpretation of tongues too!
So, Hermana Whetten and I are doing well, we are working really hard and both have desires to keep improving so missionary work wise we are doing great! But not going to lie this is a companionship I haven't exactly figured out yet. I am trying to do yoga in an attempt to bond with her haha but I am still talking with myself most of the time...in spanish haha. Thanks for the extra letters this week, I seriously appreciate them sooooo much!!! Being a missionary is really soo cool, actually just being a member of this church is so cool!
Hermana Mulliner

Monday, December 10, 2012

Area Numero dos...

Hello Fam!!!! Primero! My new address is:
7123 Etiwanda #14
Reseda CA 91335
If you can't tell by the street name, yes, I got transferred to Africa!!!! :) Please send me a letter this week!
So the area is awesome!! It is a little gold mine of people ready to hear the gospel!! The area itself has the same feel as North Hollywood because it is only about 20 minutes away on the other side of the valley. Except it is a lot bigger. The ward is awesome. We also cover the young single adult branch for our stake...I don't exactly know what that means we do yet, but sounds fun right?
My companion is Hermana Whetten and she is great! From New Mexico, we actually met in the MTC, she came in when I was leaving. She just left her trainer so I think she is adjusting to things being different than what she is used to, when we saw her trainer at a stake activity the other day she cried! haha...so I am praying that I am not messing her up! She really likes to excericise and is a really hard worker. I wish I could send you a pic but I forgot my camera. We are different but we both have the same desires to really improve our spanish and work really hard so we are getting along. She is kind of serious so I am laughing by myself a lot of the time haha so if you want to write me this week that would be appreciated :) Our spanish is about the same, so this week has been really funny! I feel like I have improved a lot already though just because we are both forced to speak a ton more because neither of us has a crutch with the language. So it is good, and kind of a little bit painful haha. I have been telling all the members I am from Mexico...some of them actually believed me!
We have had some amazing experiences this week. Our very first night together we were a little lost. I didn't know the area or the people and she was really nervous about being the one to know the area. We mixed up the Moreno family with the Morales family! Common error. We showed up for what we thought was our dinner appointment to the morales house. The Hermana was not there just the dad and kids...so we realized they were not feeding us haha. Hermana Whetten hurried and whispered he isn't a member! We were able to have a really great lesson with him. We were late to our actual dinner appointment but the Lord is working miracles in funny ways with us :)
We had Don R.Clark from the 70's come to our zone conference yesterday, wow! My eyes were opened to a lot of things! It was funny because I was thinking ok, i think I kind of feel like I know what I am doing now, then we have a training from a general authority and I realize a ton of things I need to change! One thing he talked about was praying over our ward lists about where to go and where to get referrals.  Last night all of our appointments canceled so we decided to try what he said. We sat in the car with our ward list and prayed about who we needed to visit. We decided on this girl who is a recent convert. We went to her house and she wasn't home, but her mom was. Her mom is not a member, we told her we did not know exactly why we were there but we prayed and felt like heavenly Father wanted us to come to her house. She let us in we were able to talk with her and teach her. It was a cool experience because I felt how the Lord really can guide us to the people that will listen.
Just a reminer to all: stop at stop signs! We were stopped at a stop sign and this car comes around the corner really fast without looking or stopping, we both were screaming....quite a bit! All of a sudden right before it actually crashes into us, the car stops. It crashed into our little angel forcefield! We have no idea how it stopped because there was no screatching and the person was looking at us like did I just hit you or what just happened. I know all of your prayers are protecting me and helping me, and that Heavenly Father can work miracles.
Something that stuck with me from Sister Hall's talk yesterday at zone conference was about Christmas. She was talking about how it will be different for us without all of our normal traditions. She was teaching us from Lehi's dream, and as we were reading about the tree of life she stopped and said, that is your Christmas tree this year. (top that! tree of life for a christmas tree!) The gift we can be striving to help people recieve is the gift of the holy ghost. She also challenged us to try to understand Christmas not just enjoy it. That helped me realize that it is a special thing to be a representative of Jesus Christ at Christmas time! I miss you all a ton! But her "mom" words helped me feel like even though I miss home I can still give my full heart and effort to the people here.
Love you all so much!
Hermana Mulliner

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Dia de accion de gracias!!!!‏

Isn't it easier to say thanksgiving in english?!?!!  OK I have so much in my head I want to tell you! First Thanksgiving was awesome! We had potential for about 5 dinners...somehow we managed to eat only 1 ! The elders were late to the dinner (because they were at an other dinner haha) so it really worked out well for me, because the hermana was kind of annoyed at the elders for already eating and being late so while we were waiting for them she told us the plan, she was going to act like she didn't know they had already eaten and make them eat a ton and watch them suffer. Haha I was all for it because .... then she paid no attention to us and I got away eating only one plate! whew! We were told thanksgiving was a great day to proselyte...but we do not agree! People are either not home or busy being with their family, so we spent it trying to visit people and failing haha. But we had a really awesome lesson with Javier so that made the whole day worth it. One miracle that happened that day was we went by a lady we're not sure if she is a member or an investigator yet haha because she was baptized, she says into our church but her mom had the priesthood...so we are looking into that! But she has just had a horrible life and every time we go over there she swears all over the place and tells us crazy stories and we barely get to teach her. I was kind of feeling like we are not getting anywhere here! But we visited her on Thanksgiving to help her make food for her family party, and somehow we were able to teach her, and we went around saying things we are grateful for, and she basically bore her testimony. It was really sweet and I felt how much Heavenly Father is aware of all of us, and no matter what your circumstances are, there are things to be grateful for. And no matter how small the steps are, if we are moving towards Him, that is enough.
Second, dog poop. For the third time! We have an investigator named Rosa, we met her at a members house, and we were just friends with her at first. We started going over to her house to help her two little girls with their homework, because she doesn't understand english super well. They are seriously the cutest little family. We started teaching her and she has just been so loving to us! When Hermana Marquez got sick she wanted to come take care of her, and she calls us to make sure we have somewhere to eat. Anyways her husband works a ton so we hadn't met him yet. This was the night we were going to. And we were really excited to meet him and just have an amazing lesson with their whole family! It was dark already and we had to park kind of far away, and this street didn't have sidewalks (and yes mom I had the tazer!)  So we start walking and like two steps later I realize my shoe is totally covered! Sick!!! No grass nearby. It was so embarrassing! Her husband opens the door and his first impression of us is me trying to explain that I stepped in dog poop so I am going to leave my shoe outside. So I am sitting there on their couch teaching them with one shoe on. Haha before we left they gave me a pair of shoes because they had a pair that fit me perfectly....they were her 10 year old daughter's! 
And last...I found out I am getting transfered. Oh my gosh, I didn't realize how comfortable I had gotten here and how much I love all of these people. Yesterday at church my bladder was right next to my face! It felt like I was leaving home again, it was really hard. I was also really bummed because Javier didn't come to church so I don't get to say goodbye to him. Hermana Marquez and I have become really close and I...I stink at change! But we just keep saying it will all be "good and perfect!"
OK Love you all like crazy,
Hna Mulliner
Send mail to the mission office this week:
23504 Lyons Ave suite 107
Santa Clarita CA 91321


FIRST OF ALL.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE TATER! Hello everyone!!!!! THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH FOR ALL OF YOUR BIRTHDAY WISHES!!!!! My birthday was awesome!!! And I really appreciate all of you thinking of me! So...I did not document any of my birthday though because my face randomly got really swollen haha...ya ...it was not pretty! But it was actually a miracle because the day the day before my bday is when this little party inside my face started going down and that was the day we had interviews with President Hall...which means we also had an interview with the mission nurse so she fixed me up.  Everything is all good now, but I'm sorry I don't have any pictures to send you of our crazy pin the tail on the elephant game and whatnot. All the missionaries made it a really great day too: here is a sampling of what happened on November 14: Hna Marquez coordinated with the other sisters near us to decorate our apartment while we were running in the morning and have breakfast/party with us. A really awesome family in our ward made sure we came to their house, they made pasole and bought a pumpkin cheesecake topped with trick candles. And the elders in my district picked me flowers off of a nearby mountain.
We met this 14 year old girl knocking last Saturday or something and it has just brightened our days ever since with voicemails like the following:
"Um I know you guys are from Jesus' side. Um I was gonna let you guys to know that on Wednesday I need to candel wednesday, because wednesday im not going to be here, on wednesday I got my plans, so I need to cancel wednesday. I don't know if you guys can make it some other day cause I have to cancel wednesday. It's not that I didn't know i was gonna get plans its just I have plans I need to cancel it for this um for this um for this week but I need to cancel wednesday. I don't know when can we do it but I need to cancel wednesday because i'm not gonna be here on wednesday. if you get this message you guys please call me its me its Rosa K?bye."
She also calls us to tells us when certain people are outside on her street and tells us to come talk to them. She uses a phrase we have adopted, we usually say something like "that sounds good" after setting up an appt with her and she responds, "that sounds good and perfect." haha so that is our little comp motto right now, that sounds good and perfect!
I ate Menudo for the first time this week, look it up...
In a lesson with Armando this week we brought our ward mission leader with us. He kind of started talking and didn't stop to start of the lesson and  I could see Armando not really into it. I was praying for help thinking of an inspired question I could ask Armando to involve him in  the lesson and what came to my mind was to ask the member how long he had been a member...at the time it did not seem too inspiring...haha but I asked it anyway and he said 3 years. Armando was really surprised and really interested because he had only been a member for such a short time. He lilstened attentively the rest of the time and we were all in tears at the end of the lesson because of the strong testimony of this member. Seriously being a missionary is just the best!
I love you all soo much!
Hna Mulliner

Sunday, November 18, 2012

fam fam fam...

Family Family Family!
We are emailing at the church today so we are emailng together...Marquez says wut up!  Hermana Marquez and I are having a blast together! This transfer has flown by!!! This friday we are having a ward Thanksgiving dinna :)
The favorite part of this week was our lesson in Mcdonalds! Giselle is the member here who goes out with us twice a week, she is also planning on going on a mission soon. She is so amazing and helps us soo much! We took her to Mcdonalds to get a Mcflurry because she needed a little boost. We were sharing a scripture with her and this guy from two tables over says "Jesucristo?" Haha so we told him we were missionaries blah blah then he came over to us and started telling us how it is good that we believe in Jesus Christ because he talked to the mormons and they don't believe in Jesus Christ...haha so we had an awkward moment clearning that up but after reading 2Nephi 25:26 with him he was really interested in everything! We gave him a pamphlet of lesson one and he went back to his table and started reading it right there. He would come over to us and point out something he read or ask what something meant and then go back and sit down and keep reading....and then come back over to our table and ask what something meant...then go back and sit down and keep reading. Then he came over and asked if we had anything else to read! Cool huh?! So we gave him more stuff to read! It was just sooooo cute, I wish I had a picture to send ya of him reading his pamphlets in Mcdonalds!
Elizabeth, one of the elder's investigators got baptized yesterday! It was really special because we have gotten really close with her and it was the first adult person I was able to see get baptized. We were helped her find the jumpsuit and get all ready and the we went and took a few pictures. As we were in the hallway about to go into the room where basically the whole ward was she got really nervous! We were peeking into the room and telling her how many people were there and she started to cry a little bit and then started freaking out because she didn't want to cry and she was saying she didn't want to go in there! And then out of nowhere this other door flings open and smashes her into the wall and this old guy comes out with a broom. Haha he said hi to me and hermana Marquez but didn't notice elizabeth behind the door She trying to be quiet and she was busting up laughing as we watch this old man walk down the hall like nothing happened!! Haha it was just what she needed to calm her nerves before she went in. :)
We taught Javier the word of wisdom this week and he LOVED it!!! It was hilarious, after we finsihed reading D&C 89 he started adding things onto it! He went off about how eggs are bad for your cholesterol etc etc. Haha we were trying so hard not to laugh because usually people are worried about doing the things already there not adding things onto it!!  
Whelp! Love you alll sooo much!!! Thank you soo much for the letters and birthday wishes I've already recieved!!!
Hermana Mulliner

hey hey!

Fam...wo wo wo...what happened on Halloween?!?!!?! I would love to see pics! Tater how much candy did you get? What were you? No kids came to our house!:(  We just deep cleaned...haha it was actually really fun...the highlight was when we decided to make our beds bunkbeds and the board that holds the mattress we ended up lifted up and over and it came right back through because we are too weak haha. 
Cool thing this week...I was in my first earthquake! During stake conference everything just started shaking a little, the speaker was really really chill, he just kept talking through it haha. Another highlight, talking with Miguel. He is this kind of crazy guy that lives by a member that we eat with sometimes and we always stop and talk to him on our way. This week we learned how you can grow potatoes on the moon...so if you want further info write me i'll let you in on the secrets of potato growing.
This week flew by! This whole transfer is flying by!!  I feel like I am starting to tell you guys the same stuff over and over, just about how many miracles happen all the time! But its my favorite part! Miracles happen every day! I don't know what to tell you about this week! Javier is doing so good, the best part about teaching him is the spirit is always strong because he is so humble. He is in his 60's and he is really nervous about praying out loud when other people are there, so he has us help him. We say a line, then he repeats it, kind of like in primary. It makes me so grateful that I was taught to pray when I was so little. He is progressing but very slow and he is really nervous about how well he will remember it all. I just feel so strongly when we are with him how much Heavenly Father is happy with even the littlest tiniest progress we make, the efforts we make are enough! Like we still help him with his prayers but he knows how they end now and he says that part by himself. Haha, that sounds tiny but I can just feel how much Heavenly Father is proud of him for that!  
Also you should follow any ideas or thoughts you have and try to recognize the spirit the spirit this week! We have been realizing how often we are prompted by the spirit in our area. Our day was totally planed out on Friday but we kept thinking of this one family. So we decided to stop by them and say hi...it was a miracle!! They were all home on a friday night, and they just welcomed us in and asked if we were going to share something with them. Haha we were like...um....yes! We hadn't planned anything specific for them but we thought to ask them how their scripture study is going. Seriously it is just amazing how the spirit works. They told us they hadn't read their scriptures in over a month and they want to start again. How could we have known that?! We could have shared anything with them but that is the question that came to our mind. Heavenly Father is so aware of all of our needs, and we can be the ones to answer peoples prayers if we follow promptings.
A sadder story. We were on the phone with an hermana talking about dinner the next day, I felt like I should tell her about how its stake conference so church is a different schedule this sunday...then I thought myself out of it b/c she comes every sunday so I figured she would have heard the announcement and didn't want to offend her. We got a call half way through stake conference because she was at the church all by herself....I felt horrible!!! I ignored the prompting to tell her and I felt so bad.
One of the elders investigators is getting baptized next week invited us girls over to eat. She is super cool, a single mom with three kids. We were supposed to try by a potential afterwards but we kind of just felt like we should stay there. We did and she brought up a concern she had and hermana Marquez was able to share some things from when she joined the church that helped her a lot. We just have been realizing that we don't even realize all the times the spirit is helping us every day. They usually do not feel really noticeable or that different than something that is just our own idea, just a thought or a feeling. And it is really easy to just pass over it like I did about not telling that hermana about stake conference. We seriously can be led and helped in everything we do if we try to pay attention to the how often the spirit is helping us out. I am so grateful for that constant help as a missionary.
I love you all soo much!! My new favorite word this week was "chachalaca" no one can tell me what it means exactly but it is really fun to say!
Hna Mulliner

Oct. 29

Oh my goodness all those pictures were SOOOO cute!! I feel like I say the same thing about the pics every time, tate is so tall and so big and ella and reese and growing so much! But its true! haha! Thanks for the pics mom!!!
Good news!!! Found Javier!!! He went out of town for a little while...whew! He is sooo cute. He really wants to change his life, but he is worried he learns to slow and can't remember anything. Haha, which he actually really does forget a lot! But, he is such a sincere guy, he is the most attentive in the lessons I have ever seen. He asks questions and tries really hard to learn! We always leave and can't stop talking about how cute he is the rest of the day! 
Miracle of this transfer!!!! We had the coolest thing happen this past week....someone actually called us back! One of those pass along cards we gave while we were knocking...someone kept it and called us!!! We had prayed about where to go knocking  and chose this street on the map called Lemp. When we got there it was a tiny street...like 4 apartment things each with 4 doors. We knocked it and met Iris and Angelica. They are friends that are from El Salvador. We tried by them the next week but they weren't home, we had wanted to try by again but hadn't had time. Then we get a phone call weeks later saying they want us to come back and teach them whatever we talk about. Haha. We went back and, wow, it was one of those times where I felt like I was where I was supposed to be. Afterwards, they told us how they felt when we knocked on their door how it had stuck with them and they kept wanting to call us back. But their work schedules are so different they are hardly ever home together. They said they have been looking for a church to join but haven't felt right in any other church. And, they want to be baptized! I was thinking while they were telling us all of this, that it is a miracle we knocked on their door the day we did. They are hardly ever home, and especially hardly ever home together and somehow we feel like we should knock their tiny little street the day we did. I felt so strong how the Lord is so aware of everyone and is in the details of our lives.
These little kids in our ward kept calling Carls Jr.   "Carlos Jr." haha! Ban was a crayon for our Halloween party! ...but he said I couldn't take a picture of him, sorry to disappoint. I tried talking to this old guy in our ward this past week and after I repeated my question three times he looked at me and said, "Are you speaking enlgish or spanish?"
Love you all so much! Have a happy halloween!!!!!
Hna Mulliner

Weekly Letter from President Hall - October 29, 2012

Dear Sisters and Elders of the Great California San Fernando Mission,

It is such an incredible time to be a missionary!  I can’t tell you how excited I continue to be and with each passing week I seem to get even more excited and enthusiastic for this great missionary work!  How blessed we are to be called by a prophet of God to serve as a missionary in these times! 

Ever since General Conference, I have been pondering the scripture in D&C 88:72-73.

Behold, and lo, I will take care of your flocks, and will raise up elders and send unto them.  Behold, I will hasten my work in its time.

I know that this is the time that that the Lord will hasten his work.  We found out this week that the approved number of missionaries for our mission has immediately been increased from 190 to 250!  In fact, all missions in California have had their missionary complement increased to 250 young missionaries!  So amazing!!  Some 18 year old men and 19 year old women have already received their calls and we could begin to see some of them arrive in the next transfer or two!

Elder Marcus A . Aidukaitis of the Seventy told us this past week that the average for missionary applications per week had been averaging 300 per week and there were 4500 the first week after General Conference,  4700 the second week and another 2700 half way through the third week!!  Instead of about thousand applications since Conference, there probably have been close to 14,000!!  Now that is a true “hastening of the work!”

Sisters and Elders, we must do everything that we can to prepare for this large increase of new missionaries!  Never has there been a time like this and you have been called to be a missionary to serve the Lord now!  Please do everything that you can be truly become a Preach My Gospel missionary and serve in the Lord’s way, aligning your will with the will of the Father.  Prepare now to become the best trainer that you could possibly be, because we will have an increasing need for powerful, faithful, strictly obedient trainers. 

As I have studied D&C 88:72-73, I have found the verses immediately before and immediately after to be incredibly insightful.  D&C 88:62-71 and D&C 88:74-81 speak very specifically to what is required of us as missionaries.  I encourage you to take some time and study and ponder these verses.

I hope you can see and feel the prophetic power and the Lord’s hand in these unique and singular times in the history of mankind.  What a privilege to serve and witness these amazing things first hand.  It truly is a marvelous work and a wonder!

We love you all dearly.  We pray constantly for your success and for your physical and spiritual safely. 

President and Sister Hall

Random Week!

Family!! Oh my heck!!! I LOVE the pictures of you guys!!! the back yard looks so good! everyone is growing! Thanks for your advice mom, I needed to hear that, like I know that i just forget! haha.
So this week was so emotional! haha!! For reals! It is cracking me up to read Dal's emails because every mission is so different every missionary is so different, and just elders and sisters are so different! My companion is feeling really homesick, but doesn't want to be feeling homesick so it makes her feel bad she is feeling that way haha. And so we have had a few more ice cream and cry breaks this week. It kind of made me homesick a little bit...a lot a bit for a minute...haha but now I'm doing good. :)
We had this crazy miracle!! We talked to this guy on the street and set up an appointment to teach him, good ole Javier. We went to teach him and the spirit was so strong during the lesson and he said he would be baptized! We were freaking out! He set his date for 3 weeks! We were so pumped! And then....we haven't been able to find him again...I'll keep you posted....haha...ya... 
We realized this week how tricky satan is. Somehow something seems to come up everytime we start to tell the Joseph Smith story. We were talking to some lady at her door and her dog came up barking. When we were teaching a member, her phone rang. When we were teaching Javier, we were outside and it was all quiet and the spirit was there, as soon as we starting telling the Joseph Smith story the slowest ice cream truck I have ever seen with its music starting coming down the street. When we realized that, we felt how important the message of the restoration is and there is a special spirit there. Satan knows that message can change lives.
Favorite knocking moment this week. This lady interrupted us in the middle of talking and said, "This is awkward."
Favorite mexican food of the week... chicken noodle soup with bananas in it :)
Favorite quote of the week, "In the end, happiness does not spring from perfection but from applying divine principles, even in small steps." -Elder uchtdorf
I love you all soo much and appreciate your letters and support! I know that God remembers and loves every single person. And he is happy with even the smallest steps we are making in the forward direction! We are soo blessed to have the restored gospel in our lives, if you feel a prompting to share it...do it!
Hermana Mulliner

Sunday, October 21, 2012


Aaron's Baptism

A Mexican birthday party and a Cactus farm

Random Pics

October 15, 2011‏

Hello hello!

So mom we watched conference in the stake center, they have it broadcast in spanish and english. got the halloween package, thanks!!!!! What other questions? 

It was such a good week in Cali!!! Aaron got baptized yesterday!  We found out that Hermana Marquez and I will be staying together this transfer! And it was my favorite Sunday so far in the mish....the primary program! I wish I could describe how cute it is when the little ninos speak spanish but it is so cute!  

I am so humbled every single week. Right now our ward is really struggling. There are only 2 or 3 members who are fulfilling their callings and the attendance at church is very low. On top of that the few transfers before I got here there were quite a few baptisms, but now none of them are still active. We had a ward council meeting yesterday and only us missionaries and the Bishop showed up haha! But it was good because we got to make some plans to try to help the ward! It was very insightful because we have 3 new solid investigators lately but the struggle is always getting them to church. The  Bishop was basically talking to us about how the Lord is probably not going trust our ward with baptisms if they are not ready and going to talk care of them, and asked for our help to strengthen the ward right now. We have been visiting so many ward members and less actives and recent converts and I am just so humbled every time. They all have soo much going on and such serious problems, like I can see and feel why they are slacking from church...but it is also so interesting to see how not being active during the hard times is the exact opposite of what they truly need! I don't know exactly what the solution is for our ward....I just feel the need to pray and fast a lot! 

At the same time there are little miracles all over the place! Aaron's baptism was so amazing! Although there wasn't a whole lot of ward support his whole family came! And only he and his mom are members, so it was basically a roomful of non members and the spirit was so strong! The elders pretty much taught the first lesson through their testimonies while Aaron was changing and, aw you can't explain the spirit, but it was just really amazing. On the night of Aaron's baptismal interview we ended up having to park kind of far away. After wards we came out and it had been raining like crazy! One side of the street was flooded where all the water was draining. The problem was we had parked across the street haha. We ended up walking up the entire street to find a shallow spot to cross...then when we were five feet away from our car I stepped in a puddle so it was all pointless anyways haha. But it was cool because as we were walking back down the street, we felt like we should knock a door, we knocked and an old guy answered the door and said oh my goodness come in! Haha he felt bad for us because we were soaking wet! We got to share the first the lesson with him and his wife and talk about the Book of Mormon. We could not have planned that to happen that way! But I don't think if we were super wet we would have gotten into that house...Heavenly Father has the coolest plans for us that we don't even know about!

Being a missionary is soo cool! There is soo much hype right now from conference about missionary work! It is so awesome! Do you know any fun halloween games? We are having a misionary halloween activity...

Hermana Mulliner

week and a half later...

So Monday all the libraries were closed and none of us missionaries realized that until that day so we couldn't all email at the church in time! Yesterday we had a zone conference with all the missionaries serving in the valley, in was sooo good! And in english...maybe that's why I thought it was soo good because I understood it! haha. so we couldn't email yesterday either, so today is the day.
I don't know what to write about today! haha so here is a random selection of what has happened in North Hollywood lately...enjoy:
Everyone is taking that "Ask the Missionaries" thing to heart! Right after that session a member offered to take us to lunch. He was talking about that talk and said he wanted to ask us something. He is from Guatemala, and proceeded to tell us the situation he is in and asked us if he should marry this american girl so he can be legal here..haha! I was thinking, um I don't think this is the kind of thing Elder Nielson was talking about!
A member told me I was gaining weight, haha I have come to appreciate the bluntness of the latino culture :) So I was freaking out all the way to our next appointment and Hernana Marquez was giving me her mission wisdom and I was trying to think what jillian michaels would do! We show up at our next appointment, which is at 8 p.m. after we have already had dinner and we are just supposed to teach a short lesson to this family, they tell us to come in and sit down. She has made fried tortillas and fried eggs with cheese and served us each a massive plate. Then she grabs my plate before I am even finished and puts more on. Then for dessert we have pan dulce and hot chocolate...ya I was thinking heavenly father you are so funny!
So we are working with this member...he is hilarious he calls us "sisters" it sounds like "seesters" so he's always saying "oh gracias seesters, o perfecto seesters, oh si seesters" its pretty priceless. He talks a million miles a minute so that is pretty much what I understand of what he says, then I just giggle to myself until I recognize him say it again. Anyways we are helping him share the gospel with his neighbors, and we are also teaching an hermana's mom. This hermano has a crush on this hermana. They went on a few dates and he was telling her about how marriage is a commandment on the second date and she got freaked out ...etc and that little "ask the missionaries" talk has them both asking us what they should do. haha...
We are eating lunch with these 2 elderly members from mexico. The bottled water I had was frozen so I couldn't get water out but I usuallybring one like that because it melts throughout the day. It was a topic of discussion, which I didn't completely get that was going on haha, finally hermano stands up comes over gets my water bottle, gets a knife that was being used to cut the chicken tries cutting the water bottle in half, that doesn't work. So he goes to the bushes near by pulls out a little saw...ya we were all amazed, like the mexican male marry poppins, and starts using this rusty saw to cut my water bottle in half, while his wife is chastizing him in spanish, he keeps going. Finially gets it in half, throws the saw back in the bushes, grabs the knife to cute through the ice, and uses his hands to put the ice in a cup and sets it in front of me. Then the whole rest of the meal he kept saying misionera drink! Haha!
I got my second parking ticket since being here!! Haha it is hard to keep track of which streets they sweep which days and what hours...haha
My favorite talk was Elder Uchtdorf's talk! I loved everything he said! My favorite was "Life is not to be enjoyed only in retrospect...happiness is available all the time!"  I feel like that is so true. And I just want to keep enjoying being a missionary every day!! Hope you all had a good week! I love you!
Hermana Mulliner

Last week of Setiembre!‏

Holy smokes I have no idea where september whhhhent! I honestly cannot believe it is over! Reeses birthday looked so fun! You all look different! Ella is like a little person, and she has hair! :)
We had a good week here in happy north hollywood. The highlight again was english class! More people are coming and it is just soo funny! We taught them how to pray in english so now we have them say a pray in english to start...aw man you guys, it is hilarious...I have to bite my shirt so I don't laugh out loud. This must've been how my MTC teachers felt haha.
We got to go to the General relief society meeting...all the sisters met at the stake center and the stake president spoke to us a little bit (I honestly didn't understand his talk haha) then we ate dinner then they had it broadcasted in english and in spanish. So I went with another sister who is new and doesn't know whats going on when people speak spanish either to the english side. And I just have to tell you my little miracle this week. Honestly going to the relief society meeting made me miss home a little bit, and I had a conversation with someone in spanish before it started where she did not understand what I was saying at all! And it was really awkward haha. So as we sat down and the meeting started I kind of just had a girl moment and said a prayer saying, "Do you remember me? Im trying really hard to learn spanish and I not making much progress and I am so tired." One of the questions I wrote down to think about during conference was how could have I more confidence with this spanish dealio. The meeting was really good and I felt a lot better afterwards. But what was super cool is that the next day after church an elder in my district came up and said he had something for me. He pulled out a talk that he said he felt like he should give to me.
It was a talk called, Look Up by Elder Carl B. Cook and my favorite quote from it is, "I think the challenge for all of us is to try not to look sideways to see how others are viewing our lives but to look up to see how Heavenly Father sees us."

 It was so cool because it was a double wammy! This talk answered my question about how I could have more confidence with spanish, and the fact that the Elder had felt impressed to give it to me, and the timing of when he gave it to me was an answer to my prayer that Heavenly Father does remember me and I matter to Him, and what things I'm struggling with matter to Him. I know Heavenly Father knows each of us personally and if you have a question just ask Him! He wants to help you and will help you. And it is amazing the miracles Heavenly Father will give us.
Another thing that I have been learning lately is how we seriously do not need to be perfect. Haha. But really. Its ok to grow and take things one day at a time. There is a power in praying for the specific things of one day. "Even though we may not see the whole plan, we can ask to be receptive to the part of the plan that will come that day." Instead of just praying for courage in general every once in a while, before we knock each door, I say a little prayer for courage in this situation we are about to be in.
Have a good week!!!!
Hermana Mulliner
P.S. Aaron is doing great!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Family!!!!!! I am so excited for pdays just for email! Thanks for sending me letters and emailing me and letting me know whats going on! Please let anyone you talk to if they have written me know how much I truly appreciate it!!!! I wish I could write everyone back but there just isn't time and sometimes when I have a free second on pday I want to just sit haha. So let them know I am showing my appreciation by working harder instead of writing back haha :)
So this week was soo awesome! The Lord has blessed us and our area so much!! We set a baptismal date! His name is Aaron...and it is really fun for me because he is 9. His mom is a recent convert but didn't want him to be baptized until he decided he wanted to. It is the best to teach him! The first time we came over he hid from us haha and our lessons last about 15 minutes tops, but deep down he really likes us. I really love teaching kids because we can only plan really simple lessons, but I think they are just as powerful. He is a really cute kid and we end up teaching about 4 kids because his cousins are always over there and it is really a little tender mercy for me to just get to be with kids for a little bit.
We were teaching Ban the story of Nephi building the boat this week. Hermana Marquez was reading a verse and Ban just starts cracking up. We asked him what happened and he said he thought of a joke in his head...So we asked him what the joke was...he said "Why did Nephi build a ship?" ...."To get to the other side!!" Haha he thought that was soo funny!  But I thought it was really sweet that we were reading the scriptures and laughing, the scriptures are meant to be enjoyed! In between the lines they are full of jokes haha...
One really sweet experience this week was when we finished this lesson with an inactive family and the ten year old boy wanted to say the prayer and in the prayer he said, "please bless the hermanas that they can find more people to take to the celestial kingdom." Haha cute huh? I thought about that the whole rest of the day! That is totally what we are doing, I want to keep that perspective when we are talking to people.
Cool miracle of the week!!! On tuesday the people I was looking forward to see the most weren't home when we went! I was soooo sad. We said a prayer about what we should do instead because our backup plan didn't seem right. After the prayer I remembered where we were. We were around the corner from this old investigator who had moved and hna prince and I had gone to say goodbye to her the day this father of this new family was moving things in. We decided to try by them and the mom answered the door and said come in without us even saying anything haha. We looked at eachother like ok! We sat down on her couch and she looked at us almost in tears, she said it is a miracle you guys are here because I was just saying a prayer telling Heavenly Father I wanted to go back to church but I needed help. Aw man! That was such a testimony builder to me! Heavenly Father answers our prayers and I was so happy we said a prayer about where to go and followed the idea that came to our mind. Heavenly Father is in the details of every day and it is so amazing to be a part of it because it always turns out better than we could have planned!
Hermana Marquez and I are having tons of fun together! We are trying to only speak spanish all the time...sometimes we just have to stop and laugh because she is like what are you trying to say!! haha. Ok we are at a genealogy center and some elders are hovering waiting for a computer...so I think thats a hint they want a turn haha. Two zones of missionaries got together and played soccer this morning it was so fun!
Hermana Mulliner

Hola Utah!

Family, family, family,
This week was soo crazy! We got to know our area and the whole valley really well! I was having this pain in my back and I thought it was just from this workout we did but it wasnt going away for a few weeks so I had to go to the chiropracter. I had him write down what is was so I could tell you haha, my sacroiliac joint was out of alignment...or something!There is this guy here in the valley that is a member and sees missionaries for free and is so wise haha and nice. But we thought his office was in Burbank close to where we live but it was actually clear on the other side of the valley! So that first day we went we had our map out and drove on two different free ways...haha it was bad but we found it and I got to sit in a massage chair thing there so it was all worth it :)
The funniest/best thing we have been doing lately is we have been teaching an english class. It is supposed to be a finding tool, we wanted members to bring their friends and we hand out flyers when we knock on doors and stuff, but so far just members have come...I think it's still worth it just because it is soo hilarious!! Oh man, my favorite is this old couple. The Calderones...first of all they are the cutest ever, they are new to the ward and we are the first sister missionaries they have seen before and so Hermano calderon treats us like we were sherry dew or something haha he just is soo sweet to us. But his wife knows a lot more english than he does, so he gets kind of frustrated because she corrects him and she knows a lot of words. so they have little "discussions" in spanish during the class. I work with him one on one for a little bit and the first class we were practicing "brother" daughter sister, words from our families and it was soo cute and inspiring to see him keep trying. It totally motivated me in my spanish and made me so grateful to be learning spanish not the other way around. Also Hermano calderon is my favorite friend now because each week I get to work with him. It's hilarous because they can't say any word that starts with an "s" without adding an "e" like school is eschool or ski is eski. The "th" sound is also really hard for them, so it is soo hilarious but at the same time the cutest thing because they are all trying so hard! I honestly wish you could meet this ward I am serving in...they are soo great.
Yesterday we had such a cool experience!! We kind of had a rough morning, I was frustrated that this week our numbers were really low because of this chiropracter thing and we had to use a lot of our miles for the month getting there. and then in personal study I read in the bible and the chapter made no sense! I was like why does the bible have to be so confusing!  I wanted to feel good reading the scriptures and instead it was this abstract deep message I was not understanding. It was super hot in our apt. And we felt like we had been working so hard but right now our area does not have a lot happening. Haha we just kind of let all these frustrations out and felt like we wanted to sleep all day! But it was so cool because we had an hour left in the day and we had nothing left to do but knock. We prayed about this street we were thinking about and got out and it was not looking very spanish speaking ish, but we decided to walk around a little bit before we leave. so we walked through this apt complex and decided to knock on a door...she was a member in the english ward and gave us a referral to someone on the street over. We walked over to the next street and on the way we talked to these people sitting in the grass...they were so cute and we ended up teaching them a whole lesson, and they taught me the longest spanish word I've learned so far (parangutirimicuaro...ya i'm still working on it!) as we were finishing their 35 yr old son came over and started talking to us and it was like this little hand off, they went inside and and we started teaching him. Haha. He started telling us all these crazy things that were happening in his life and he said I don't know what it is but I am so glad I met you guys right now. So we ended up finding 3 new investigators by the end of the night and we didn't even get to make it to our referal! Isn't missionary work so cool?! 
I love you all sooo much!!!
Hermana Mulliner

Start of Transfer 3!

Well, well, well... 4 days with my new companion ... and....it is so great!  Her name is Hermana Marquez, she was born in Mexico but has lived in California most of her life. She has been out on her mission for a little over a year. She is a convert for about 3 years now, and the only member in her family. Wow, huh?! She is really awesome, and a super hard worker. I have already learned so much from her. As I was introducing her to everyone at church yesterday everyone told her to tell me she doesn't understand english and only speak spanish with me! Haha so I hope my spanish skills will improve a lot this transfer. So far we haven't spoken a ton of spanish because we actually had to get things done and things happen at about .01 miles an hour when I'm thinking in spanish! Haha but now we kind of know what we are doing together, this week we are going to speak a lot more spanish! It is very different, she is native so she speaks beautiful spanish, but she doesn't know the why behind anything. She just knows it from speaking it with her parents she never studied it in school or anything. So she knows how to say it right but she doesn't really know how to correct me or study with me. So I can learn from talking with her but she can't answer any of my questions...which will probably be good for me so I don't think about things so hard and just do it.
It was really funny the first day she was here because she doesn't know the area or the peopl at all...so it was totally up to me what we did. We didn't have any set appointments so I sat looking at our empty planners thinking...HERMANA PRINCE what do I do?!?!?! These past few days have been a really cool experience for me. I prayed harder than I ever have before because I needed to introduce her to this area and take the lead for the first few days. I felt a desire this week to be a missionary the Lord can trust to take care of an area and love the people like He would if he were here. (no pressurehaha). We have made a lot of U turns haha but I would remember a certain street, or feel like we should turn, and then we would be where we needed to be!  
My little miracle this week was the Urrutias. I visited them once briefly my very first week here. They are less active members and haven't come to church the whole time I've been here. But the first night Hna Marquez was here and our only set appointment fell through, she looked at me and said "Where are we going next?"  I kind of freaked out inside, and was racking my brain of every investigator, potential and member, but only their name came to my mind. I wasn't totally sure where they lived or couldn't remember their story exactly and they weren't the usual people we had been visiting. But they were the only people I could think of, which in the moment I was like come on think think why can't I think of anyone! And I was embarrased at first because I had been living here I should be able to think of someone to visit or something to do! But in that moment I couldn't think of anything, only the Urrutias came to mind. I think i learned something about the spirit. It usually just feels like one of my own ideas. I was freaking out because it didn't seem like what we normally did or didn't seem like a grand idea, when really the spirit was telling me what we actually needed to be doing at the moment. We found the house and they were outside, and we were able to talk to them and read with them and invite them to church. And ...they came to church yesterday!  :)
We knocked a whole entire street and were only able to talk to 3 people! One of the guys we talked to said, "You should tell people you are Jehovahs witnesses, then people will let you in!" So that's our new tactic. ...what do you guys think?
I love you all soooooooooo much!!! Being a missionary is soo cool...everyone should do it!
Love Hna Mulliner


Family!!! This is the reason I love pday, just for email! Thanks for sending me emails!
So President changed how we do transfers. We use to get a call from our district leader on Sat morning about who was being transfered where and who our new companions would be. Now...we get a call sat night but the only info we get is who is being transfered, we don't know where they are going or who the new companions will be. Then we wait until Thursday and every companionship in the whole mission meets and I don't know exactly haha but then you find out where you are going/who your new comp is! So Hermana Prince is being transfered :( I don't know who my new companion will be yet until Thursday morning! I am really nervous. Change just totally freaks me out!! Haha but at the same time I know transfers are inspired so I know it will all work out. To be totally honest this is the conversation going on in my head, "I am nervous that I don't know the area good enough, and I don't know who we are supposed to see when and how often, that we really only have one investigator right now, and people can't understand me! Haha but at the same time I'm not worried at all because its fun when adventures aren't perfect! There is a lot more to laugh at that way! haha. I will not be doing it alone, my new companion will know stuff too. And also I think when I feel a little inadequate I re-realize how much I need to rely on the Lord. Why is it so hard to stay humble?"  Yesterday at church an Hermana came to ask me something about the dinner calendar and she knew hna prince kind of was in charge of that so she was telling me that if we ever don't have dinner to call her and I just started crying! I told her thanks because I was nervous about hna prince leaving and she was so sweet she gave me a hug and told me if I need anything to call her and she wants to feed us and that it will be ok. Haha this little mission has been a trick! I thought I was coming to serve other people but I feel like other people are serving me all the time!
My favorite experience from this week was when we were knocking. This lady took a long time to answer the door and she was acting really weird. She wouldn't look us in the eye and seemed really sad and said she wasn't interested and she didn't want to pray with us. When we were about to knock on the next door we all (we had Giselle with us) felt like we should go back to that door. We stood there for a minute and talked it out haha, we all felt like that was weird and wished we could've shared more with her, but at the same time she said she wasn't interested so we didn't want to be annoying by knocking again. Since we all had felt the same way we decided to be annoying! She opened the door really fast, we all felt like maybe she was waiting for us to come back. But we told her we felt like we should knock again and talk to her.. We gave her a book of mormon and it was so cool to see, you could tell she felt the spirit because she started looking at us by the end.
Sometimes I am nervous to do things like that or to talk to people but Hna Prince told me why are you afraid to do that? That is why we are all on earth together, if Heavenly Father didn't want us to talk to each other or help each other we would all be on our own little Earth's!
Love you all soo much!! Have a good week!!
Hermana Mulliner

Monday, August 27, 2012


Hello family!!!! I wish I had time to read all of your emails before I write you because I am dying to know what happened this past week!!! And how you are all holding up and what parties you are up to with only a few days left for the little dal guy.....
So I will start by telling you my little miracle yesterday. I was praying really hard that I would be able to focus all day because I knew it was D's farewell and everyone would be getting together and I was a little sad to be missing all of that. Guess what happened?! ....I understood everything at church (and they were talking in spanish)!! Sometimes it is easy to get distracted and be thinking about other things once I start to not understand, but I was able to keep my mind focused the whole time because I understood what they were saying! Then we were running around like crazy yesterday because Ban got baptized.... our mission leader forgot to start filling the font, and we couldn't find a key to unlock the door to the library to show a little video etc (also ban's mom had us do the musical number at the baptism...ya I don't know what the deal is with all this musical stuff someone must be praying that I can overcome tone deafness...). It actually wasn't way hectic but I think I was just nervous for Ban all day. I wish I could express through email how amazing it was. It was such a tender mercy for me to have the baptism the day I knew my whole family would be getting together. So first of all tons of the ward came to support. There were over 70 people there. After Ban was baptized we were showing a video called Reflections of Christ and it is jsut a really powerful video. I was standing on the side of the room and I was just so happy because everything went smoothly and Ban was so happy. I was looking at everyone and just felt so much love. I was looking at the faces of all the people and I realized this room was full of my family here! Hna Prince and I got to bear our testimonies after the video ended when Ban came back out and it was such a powerful experience. I felt so strongly how we are all children of God, and Jesus Christ is the reason for everything in the gospel! It was such a blessing for me to get to teach Ban and it was so special to see how much it meant to his family for him to be able to get baptized. Hna prince and I were talking about it and both felt like the baptism yesterday made everything hard that we have done these 2 transfers worth it. Dal...I am sooo pumped for you to leave this week!

This week we had an awesome experience finding! We had spent days basically doing straight finding activities because we really wanted some new investigators and were really inspired by our training last week! But we had 0 new investigators still. We had no idea how that was possible when basically trying to find new investigators was all we were doing haha. We were trying to be really creative one day and took turns deciding on an activity to do. We looked into some service in the community, went knocking, looked up old investigators, were talking to members...everything! We had ten minutes before dinner and were going to look up this inactive teenage boy. We were unsure we even had time but decided we might as well because we were close. We found his apartment and the door was open with a guy sitting on the couch. We thought it was him so we said hello and this lady answered and asked if we spoke spanish, we said yes we were missionaries, and then she opened the door and told us to come in.  We thought it was his mom, come to find out he had moved a few months ago. This lady and her son who was the boy on the couch moved here from Guatemala and had spoke with some missionaries there (we aren't exactly sure if they were mormon missionaries lol). We prayed with them and set a return appointment. It was just very ironic that it was the last ten minutes we had and the place I was expecting it the least. Heavenly Father basically put them in our hands, all we said is we were missionaries and she opened her door to us!
Being a missionary is so cool! It really is! I love you guys and will be praying for you all so much this week!!! I am so excited to hear about this past week, please write me about this upcoming week too!
Hermana Mulliner!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Hermana Sha reporting in...

Family family family,
I am not going to lie, it is kind of hard sometimes to be all the way across the world in california(haha) when I know you are all getting together and doing family things as Dal gets ready to go and tate is home. So please write as often as you can. Any detail means a lot to me! I know you are all busy and things and I am too but it is such a boost to hear from you. And I wish I could be there for some of the stuff thats going on!
This week....where to start. This week I felt how much the Lord wants to bless us. The ant battle got really intense this past week...and we were definately losing. We lost a lot of food this week because of those little guys. One day we packed our peanut butter around with us all day so they coudln't find it haha. But we were running low on food and didn't have time to grocery shop again. But I was so humbled one day because every house we went to they offered to give us some food. We didn't mention to anyone that we were running low on food. It was so humbling because these people that were giving us the food had even less than us. We even got icecream. We came home and during our planning session we both felt like all day every where we went Heavenly Father was just giving us a little hug. We were totally taken care of, given more than we needed. At breakfast that morning we had talked about how watermelon always sounds good when it is so hot...and throughout the day someone randomly gave us a watermelon! I just felt how much heavenly father wants to bless us and wants us to have good things and how he will answer our prayers through other people. Even when we don't feel like we necesarily deserve it at the time. Heavenly Father loves us. I was so grateful for the example of the people we were with that day. Even this morning, we haven't gone grocery shopping yet today, so we were just going to make it through til then...but while we were doing our laundy we were studying outside the laundrymat and this old man came up and offered to buy us some donuts from the donut shop next door.
My favorite quote the past little while has been "God doesn't expect immediate perfection, but he does expect immediate progress." Isn't that comforting?! Life really isn't about our own abilities. But on trying to rely on the Lord and improve. I can just feel that so much with myself as a missionary and really strongly with the members and investigators we visit. God doesn't expect us to be perfect. He loves us so much. He notices the little efforts we make and that is enough.
I had an intimidating experience this past week. I was asked to give the training in our district meeting. But then our district leaders companion got sick so they couldn't make it, so the zone leaders came to our meeting. I was intimidated to do a training with my own district but then the zone leaders had to be there too. haha. But something I feel like keeps happening to me is the Lord makes me go outside my comfort zone. Then I am really humbled. But then I rely a lot more on the spirit and then everything turns out ok.

We had zone conference this week. (we won the cleanest car award haha). President Hall is really amazing. He did a training on finding more with the spirit. Instead of working hard hard hard, working hard with the spirit and in a more inspiried way so we are finding more people who are prepared. I am so inspired by this knowledge that Heavenly Father is preparing people. If we are doing what we are supposed to then our preparation will meet heavenly father's preperation and we will find people who are ready for the gospel! Missionary work is so cool! Dal I am so pumped for you!
Love you LOTS!!!! Miss you LOTS!!!!
Hermana Mulliner