Sunday, November 18, 2012

fam fam fam...

Family Family Family!
We are emailing at the church today so we are emailng together...Marquez says wut up!  Hermana Marquez and I are having a blast together! This transfer has flown by!!! This friday we are having a ward Thanksgiving dinna :)
The favorite part of this week was our lesson in Mcdonalds! Giselle is the member here who goes out with us twice a week, she is also planning on going on a mission soon. She is so amazing and helps us soo much! We took her to Mcdonalds to get a Mcflurry because she needed a little boost. We were sharing a scripture with her and this guy from two tables over says "Jesucristo?" Haha so we told him we were missionaries blah blah then he came over to us and started telling us how it is good that we believe in Jesus Christ because he talked to the mormons and they don't believe in Jesus Christ...haha so we had an awkward moment clearning that up but after reading 2Nephi 25:26 with him he was really interested in everything! We gave him a pamphlet of lesson one and he went back to his table and started reading it right there. He would come over to us and point out something he read or ask what something meant and then go back and sit down and keep reading....and then come back over to our table and ask what something meant...then go back and sit down and keep reading. Then he came over and asked if we had anything else to read! Cool huh?! So we gave him more stuff to read! It was just sooooo cute, I wish I had a picture to send ya of him reading his pamphlets in Mcdonalds!
Elizabeth, one of the elder's investigators got baptized yesterday! It was really special because we have gotten really close with her and it was the first adult person I was able to see get baptized. We were helped her find the jumpsuit and get all ready and the we went and took a few pictures. As we were in the hallway about to go into the room where basically the whole ward was she got really nervous! We were peeking into the room and telling her how many people were there and she started to cry a little bit and then started freaking out because she didn't want to cry and she was saying she didn't want to go in there! And then out of nowhere this other door flings open and smashes her into the wall and this old guy comes out with a broom. Haha he said hi to me and hermana Marquez but didn't notice elizabeth behind the door She trying to be quiet and she was busting up laughing as we watch this old man walk down the hall like nothing happened!! Haha it was just what she needed to calm her nerves before she went in. :)
We taught Javier the word of wisdom this week and he LOVED it!!! It was hilarious, after we finsihed reading D&C 89 he started adding things onto it! He went off about how eggs are bad for your cholesterol etc etc. Haha we were trying so hard not to laugh because usually people are worried about doing the things already there not adding things onto it!!  
Whelp! Love you alll sooo much!!! Thank you soo much for the letters and birthday wishes I've already recieved!!!
Hermana Mulliner

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