Sunday, November 18, 2012

Random Week!

Family!! Oh my heck!!! I LOVE the pictures of you guys!!! the back yard looks so good! everyone is growing! Thanks for your advice mom, I needed to hear that, like I know that i just forget! haha.
So this week was so emotional! haha!! For reals! It is cracking me up to read Dal's emails because every mission is so different every missionary is so different, and just elders and sisters are so different! My companion is feeling really homesick, but doesn't want to be feeling homesick so it makes her feel bad she is feeling that way haha. And so we have had a few more ice cream and cry breaks this week. It kind of made me homesick a little bit...a lot a bit for a minute...haha but now I'm doing good. :)
We had this crazy miracle!! We talked to this guy on the street and set up an appointment to teach him, good ole Javier. We went to teach him and the spirit was so strong during the lesson and he said he would be baptized! We were freaking out! He set his date for 3 weeks! We were so pumped! And then....we haven't been able to find him again...I'll keep you posted....haha...ya... 
We realized this week how tricky satan is. Somehow something seems to come up everytime we start to tell the Joseph Smith story. We were talking to some lady at her door and her dog came up barking. When we were teaching a member, her phone rang. When we were teaching Javier, we were outside and it was all quiet and the spirit was there, as soon as we starting telling the Joseph Smith story the slowest ice cream truck I have ever seen with its music starting coming down the street. When we realized that, we felt how important the message of the restoration is and there is a special spirit there. Satan knows that message can change lives.
Favorite knocking moment this week. This lady interrupted us in the middle of talking and said, "This is awkward."
Favorite mexican food of the week... chicken noodle soup with bananas in it :)
Favorite quote of the week, "In the end, happiness does not spring from perfection but from applying divine principles, even in small steps." -Elder uchtdorf
I love you all soo much and appreciate your letters and support! I know that God remembers and loves every single person. And he is happy with even the smallest steps we are making in the forward direction! We are soo blessed to have the restored gospel in our lives, if you feel a prompting to share it!
Hermana Mulliner

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