Sunday, November 18, 2012

Weekly Letter from President Hall - October 29, 2012

Dear Sisters and Elders of the Great California San Fernando Mission,

It is such an incredible time to be a missionary!  I can’t tell you how excited I continue to be and with each passing week I seem to get even more excited and enthusiastic for this great missionary work!  How blessed we are to be called by a prophet of God to serve as a missionary in these times! 

Ever since General Conference, I have been pondering the scripture in D&C 88:72-73.

Behold, and lo, I will take care of your flocks, and will raise up elders and send unto them.  Behold, I will hasten my work in its time.

I know that this is the time that that the Lord will hasten his work.  We found out this week that the approved number of missionaries for our mission has immediately been increased from 190 to 250!  In fact, all missions in California have had their missionary complement increased to 250 young missionaries!  So amazing!!  Some 18 year old men and 19 year old women have already received their calls and we could begin to see some of them arrive in the next transfer or two!

Elder Marcus A . Aidukaitis of the Seventy told us this past week that the average for missionary applications per week had been averaging 300 per week and there were 4500 the first week after General Conference,  4700 the second week and another 2700 half way through the third week!!  Instead of about thousand applications since Conference, there probably have been close to 14,000!!  Now that is a true “hastening of the work!”

Sisters and Elders, we must do everything that we can to prepare for this large increase of new missionaries!  Never has there been a time like this and you have been called to be a missionary to serve the Lord now!  Please do everything that you can be truly become a Preach My Gospel missionary and serve in the Lord’s way, aligning your will with the will of the Father.  Prepare now to become the best trainer that you could possibly be, because we will have an increasing need for powerful, faithful, strictly obedient trainers. 

As I have studied D&C 88:72-73, I have found the verses immediately before and immediately after to be incredibly insightful.  D&C 88:62-71 and D&C 88:74-81 speak very specifically to what is required of us as missionaries.  I encourage you to take some time and study and ponder these verses.

I hope you can see and feel the prophetic power and the Lord’s hand in these unique and singular times in the history of mankind.  What a privilege to serve and witness these amazing things first hand.  It truly is a marvelous work and a wonder!

We love you all dearly.  We pray constantly for your success and for your physical and spiritual safely. 

President and Sister Hall

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