Wednesday, November 28, 2012


FIRST OF ALL.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE TATER! Hello everyone!!!!! THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH FOR ALL OF YOUR BIRTHDAY WISHES!!!!! My birthday was awesome!!! And I really appreciate all of you thinking of me! So...I did not document any of my birthday though because my face randomly got really swollen haha...ya was not pretty! But it was actually a miracle because the day the day before my bday is when this little party inside my face started going down and that was the day we had interviews with President Hall...which means we also had an interview with the mission nurse so she fixed me up.  Everything is all good now, but I'm sorry I don't have any pictures to send you of our crazy pin the tail on the elephant game and whatnot. All the missionaries made it a really great day too: here is a sampling of what happened on November 14: Hna Marquez coordinated with the other sisters near us to decorate our apartment while we were running in the morning and have breakfast/party with us. A really awesome family in our ward made sure we came to their house, they made pasole and bought a pumpkin cheesecake topped with trick candles. And the elders in my district picked me flowers off of a nearby mountain.
We met this 14 year old girl knocking last Saturday or something and it has just brightened our days ever since with voicemails like the following:
"Um I know you guys are from Jesus' side. Um I was gonna let you guys to know that on Wednesday I need to candel wednesday, because wednesday im not going to be here, on wednesday I got my plans, so I need to cancel wednesday. I don't know if you guys can make it some other day cause I have to cancel wednesday. It's not that I didn't know i was gonna get plans its just I have plans I need to cancel it for this um for this um for this week but I need to cancel wednesday. I don't know when can we do it but I need to cancel wednesday because i'm not gonna be here on wednesday. if you get this message you guys please call me its me its Rosa K?bye."
She also calls us to tells us when certain people are outside on her street and tells us to come talk to them. She uses a phrase we have adopted, we usually say something like "that sounds good" after setting up an appt with her and she responds, "that sounds good and perfect." haha so that is our little comp motto right now, that sounds good and perfect!
I ate Menudo for the first time this week, look it up...
In a lesson with Armando this week we brought our ward mission leader with us. He kind of started talking and didn't stop to start of the lesson and  I could see Armando not really into it. I was praying for help thinking of an inspired question I could ask Armando to involve him in  the lesson and what came to my mind was to ask the member how long he had been a the time it did not seem too inspiring...haha but I asked it anyway and he said 3 years. Armando was really surprised and really interested because he had only been a member for such a short time. He lilstened attentively the rest of the time and we were all in tears at the end of the lesson because of the strong testimony of this member. Seriously being a missionary is just the best!
I love you all soo much!
Hna Mulliner

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