Monday, August 27, 2012


Hello family!!!! I wish I had time to read all of your emails before I write you because I am dying to know what happened this past week!!! And how you are all holding up and what parties you are up to with only a few days left for the little dal guy.....
So I will start by telling you my little miracle yesterday. I was praying really hard that I would be able to focus all day because I knew it was D's farewell and everyone would be getting together and I was a little sad to be missing all of that. Guess what happened?! ....I understood everything at church (and they were talking in spanish)!! Sometimes it is easy to get distracted and be thinking about other things once I start to not understand, but I was able to keep my mind focused the whole time because I understood what they were saying! Then we were running around like crazy yesterday because Ban got baptized.... our mission leader forgot to start filling the font, and we couldn't find a key to unlock the door to the library to show a little video etc (also ban's mom had us do the musical number at the baptism...ya I don't know what the deal is with all this musical stuff someone must be praying that I can overcome tone deafness...). It actually wasn't way hectic but I think I was just nervous for Ban all day. I wish I could express through email how amazing it was. It was such a tender mercy for me to have the baptism the day I knew my whole family would be getting together. So first of all tons of the ward came to support. There were over 70 people there. After Ban was baptized we were showing a video called Reflections of Christ and it is jsut a really powerful video. I was standing on the side of the room and I was just so happy because everything went smoothly and Ban was so happy. I was looking at everyone and just felt so much love. I was looking at the faces of all the people and I realized this room was full of my family here! Hna Prince and I got to bear our testimonies after the video ended when Ban came back out and it was such a powerful experience. I felt so strongly how we are all children of God, and Jesus Christ is the reason for everything in the gospel! It was such a blessing for me to get to teach Ban and it was so special to see how much it meant to his family for him to be able to get baptized. Hna prince and I were talking about it and both felt like the baptism yesterday made everything hard that we have done these 2 transfers worth it. Dal...I am sooo pumped for you to leave this week!

This week we had an awesome experience finding! We had spent days basically doing straight finding activities because we really wanted some new investigators and were really inspired by our training last week! But we had 0 new investigators still. We had no idea how that was possible when basically trying to find new investigators was all we were doing haha. We were trying to be really creative one day and took turns deciding on an activity to do. We looked into some service in the community, went knocking, looked up old investigators, were talking to members...everything! We had ten minutes before dinner and were going to look up this inactive teenage boy. We were unsure we even had time but decided we might as well because we were close. We found his apartment and the door was open with a guy sitting on the couch. We thought it was him so we said hello and this lady answered and asked if we spoke spanish, we said yes we were missionaries, and then she opened the door and told us to come in.  We thought it was his mom, come to find out he had moved a few months ago. This lady and her son who was the boy on the couch moved here from Guatemala and had spoke with some missionaries there (we aren't exactly sure if they were mormon missionaries lol). We prayed with them and set a return appointment. It was just very ironic that it was the last ten minutes we had and the place I was expecting it the least. Heavenly Father basically put them in our hands, all we said is we were missionaries and she opened her door to us!
Being a missionary is so cool! It really is! I love you guys and will be praying for you all so much this week!!! I am so excited to hear about this past week, please write me about this upcoming week too!
Hermana Mulliner!

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