Friday, August 3, 2012


So I just want to tell you everything when I sit down at the computer! At this library you make a reservation for an hour and there is this little timer at the bottom of my screen counting down the time I have left, it stresses me out! I just want to start off by saying being a missionary is the best!! Everyone should go on a a mission! haha! But, seriously.
There was a day this week where it was one miracle after another! (I don't know if I use too many exclamation marks, but its all really exciting!) We were knocking, actually doing a blitz where our whole district goes knocking in the same area. We were doing it in one of the elder's areas.
So it all began...once upon a time there were two beautiful, awesome, really cool sister missionaries who attended a different church on a saturday night. (that is me and my companion;) They had to leave the service early because they needed their beauty we were walking to our car behind us we saw this teenage boy walking his bike. We decided to slow down so we could talk to him. His name was Jamie. And his bike tire popped so he had to walk his bike home and he lived far away. We couldn't really help him but we talked to him for a minute gave him a pass along card and got his info. We didn't know the street that he told us he lived on. A week later we finally had time to try to find his house. We found the street but realized he had given us an apt building number but not the apt number. Since the street wasn't in our area we decided we would give the info we had to the missionaries in that area.
Now fast forward we are on the blitz and the elders text us what street to meet on. We thought oh thats cool I think that is Jamie's street. We get there and the elders tell us where we are assigned to knock, we think oh that's cool Ithink that is the area where jamie's apt building is. We decide to go to the building we think is his first just because we were excited. We walk in the complex and start walking around. We walk towards the back and we are looking around. We decide to go up a staircase. We knock on a door and this young boy answers who looks kind of familiar. We start talking to him and then mid sentence hna prince stops and asks, do you have a brother named jamie? and he said, ya. Haha we might've freaked him out because we both started looked and each other and started laughing. The first door we kocked we found him! We then saw a lady washing her car and asked if we could help and she said no but we found out she was Jamie's grandma! then we were knocking in the next apt complex and knocked into jamie's aunt! When I tell you stories I don't know if it is as exciting as it was in the moment haha.
Basically this story is how I feel about my mission so far. Looking back on a day or week it is so easy to see the miracles and its obvious the Lord is in the details. But it is so beautiful and exciting and faith building to be a part of it while it is unfolding. When we are following the spirit miracles really do happen and we don't even realize it all the time. I love being a missionary and I always want to be where the Lord needs me and be willing to do what He wants me to do.
Some funny things that happened this week is someone asked if I was hna prince's daughter! Also we are teaching a 14 year old boy who is at about a third grade level. His family are members but he wants to be baptized. He is THE best I wish I could tell you more about him. We are teaching him because His mom speaks mostly spanish and he speaks mostly english. his mom told us she is trying to help him gain his testimony so she will say a phrase she knows in english randomly throughout the day. Haha, I just want you to picture this. They are all eating dinner or walking to the car and she blurts out 'Joseph smith was a prophet" and then they continue on their normal activity. Haha isn't that great?
Yesterday we had the coolest lesson EVER! That lady I told you we met who couldn't stand mormons. She is our little grandma now. She has a lot of illnesses though so she can't move a ton. We went to visit her yesterday and she was sitting out on the porch of her apt and some kids were talking with her. We sat down with them and we sang to start the lesson. The kids loved the song so we sang another one and more kids kept coming out and sitting with us. We sang another one, and it was funny because we kept seeing doors open and people were poking their head out to see what was going on. And the kids wanted to keep singing. It was really sweet we were sitting on the porch with Ofelia and her little neighborhood kids singing. then we taught a little lesson about Jesus Christ and they loved it because we gave them each a book of mormon to hold and "read" while we talked to them and they were so cute! It was probably one of my favorite lessons so far, it was just so sweet to hear these little kids talk about Jesus and try to sing with us. And we had ofelia help us teach part of the lesson and I think she really loved it too.
I love you all so much!!! California is so great! My too favorite things about this area so far are, the airport is right by our house so we get to see airplanes all the time, it is so cool! And there is a bazillion different types of trees it is really beautiful.
Love you,
Hermana Mulliner

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