Saturday, August 25, 2012


So did I mention that this week was hot?! After knocking one day we got in the car and it said it was 120 degrees! Haha I don't think it was actually that hot but it was really hot. It is kind of hard to work in the heat it drains my energy just existing haha but it makes us feel like we are doing really hard missionary work ALL the time because we are sweating even if we are just sitting. But, on the bright side, I discovered an elder who can eat a lot of food! So, now, "randomly" I am next to him at dinners.
I had a little celebration this week because....wait for it....wait for it....ok....I talked on the phone in spanish and I talked back in spanish all by myself (without the phone being on speaker so hna prince could clarify or tell me what to say back)!
Ban, our investigator that is 14 and is developmentally behind, is gettting baptized soon. We have the best lessons with him because he is so funny and so honest and has the sweetest heart. But we asked him about the word of wisdom to see what he already knew about that. He said he already knew what it was. So we asked him what kind of things we shouldn't put into our bodies....he thought for a minute an then said, oh ya, salt water. Haha so just a little reminder in case you forgot that part of the word of wisdom, no salt water :)
This week was so interesting and different. We ended up visiting three different people in hospitals. This one old couple that are recent converts is so cute! She has to be in a hospital bed in her house all the time now. But this old man is soo cute, he is so encouraging about me learning spanish. Every time we go there he has me say the prayer so I can practice and every week after the prayer he talks for a few minutes about how much I've learned. He really is so sweet. But we were rolling on the floor laughing this last visit because they were telling us funny stories about them learning english. He said he learned how to say the phrase "ham and eggs" at the very beginnning when he was learning english. Now when they go to any restaurant if he can't pronounce the thing he wants in english he says "just give me ham and eggs." haha for any meal at any restaurant he orders ham and eggs because thats what he can say!

We had such a cool experience with this other recent convert. She and her husband both ended up in the hospital a few weeks ago and they are not doing so well. We had been going by their house, calling their children trying to track themd own because no one knew what happened to to them. When we finally found out where they were we visited them and it was one of the saddest experiences. We went to the nursing home where they were and it was painful to be there because it was just so sad. I cried on the way home because I just couldn't believe that was their life right now. It was really hard. That first time we saw them, Susana and Fernando, Susana was sooooo grateful. She calls us angels and held our hands the whole time we were there. Fernando was not mentally doing so well and was moaning and crying the whole time we were there. All we could think to do to calm him down and bring them some peace was to sing. We sang them some hymns and had to go, and on the way out we had the thought to give them a book of mormon. we pulled one out of my backpack and she said thanks but she couldn't see without her glasses. we told her thats ok she can just hold it or look at the pictures in the front. When we came back the next day it was a miracle. She pulled out her book of mormon and there was a corner of a page where she had marked where she had stopped reading. She was able to read the book there without her glasses had read a lot in just one night. Physically she looked and seemed the same, not so good. But she was like glowing with hope. I just really felt the power of the book of mormon so strong, in about the saddest environment she could be in she was so optimistic!
I love you all so much!!! have a good week!!!!!
Hermana Mulliner!!!

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