Saturday, August 25, 2012

Hermana Sha reporting in...

Family family family,
I am not going to lie, it is kind of hard sometimes to be all the way across the world in california(haha) when I know you are all getting together and doing family things as Dal gets ready to go and tate is home. So please write as often as you can. Any detail means a lot to me! I know you are all busy and things and I am too but it is such a boost to hear from you. And I wish I could be there for some of the stuff thats going on!
This week....where to start. This week I felt how much the Lord wants to bless us. The ant battle got really intense this past week...and we were definately losing. We lost a lot of food this week because of those little guys. One day we packed our peanut butter around with us all day so they coudln't find it haha. But we were running low on food and didn't have time to grocery shop again. But I was so humbled one day because every house we went to they offered to give us some food. We didn't mention to anyone that we were running low on food. It was so humbling because these people that were giving us the food had even less than us. We even got icecream. We came home and during our planning session we both felt like all day every where we went Heavenly Father was just giving us a little hug. We were totally taken care of, given more than we needed. At breakfast that morning we had talked about how watermelon always sounds good when it is so hot...and throughout the day someone randomly gave us a watermelon! I just felt how much heavenly father wants to bless us and wants us to have good things and how he will answer our prayers through other people. Even when we don't feel like we necesarily deserve it at the time. Heavenly Father loves us. I was so grateful for the example of the people we were with that day. Even this morning, we haven't gone grocery shopping yet today, so we were just going to make it through til then...but while we were doing our laundy we were studying outside the laundrymat and this old man came up and offered to buy us some donuts from the donut shop next door.
My favorite quote the past little while has been "God doesn't expect immediate perfection, but he does expect immediate progress." Isn't that comforting?! Life really isn't about our own abilities. But on trying to rely on the Lord and improve. I can just feel that so much with myself as a missionary and really strongly with the members and investigators we visit. God doesn't expect us to be perfect. He loves us so much. He notices the little efforts we make and that is enough.
I had an intimidating experience this past week. I was asked to give the training in our district meeting. But then our district leaders companion got sick so they couldn't make it, so the zone leaders came to our meeting. I was intimidated to do a training with my own district but then the zone leaders had to be there too. haha. But something I feel like keeps happening to me is the Lord makes me go outside my comfort zone. Then I am really humbled. But then I rely a lot more on the spirit and then everything turns out ok.

We had zone conference this week. (we won the cleanest car award haha). President Hall is really amazing. He did a training on finding more with the spirit. Instead of working hard hard hard, working hard with the spirit and in a more inspiried way so we are finding more people who are prepared. I am so inspired by this knowledge that Heavenly Father is preparing people. If we are doing what we are supposed to then our preparation will meet heavenly father's preperation and we will find people who are ready for the gospel! Missionary work is so cool! Dal I am so pumped for you!
Love you LOTS!!!! Miss you LOTS!!!!
Hermana Mulliner

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