Friday, August 10, 2012


Family shmamily,
Can you believe it is august?!?! I have no idea where July went haha! Can you PLEASE get ella and reese to stop growing while i;m gone?! Also mom...I think i read it wrong in the package you said something... that I am only going to be yoru fav missionary for a few more weeks then i'll have to share that title? Whats going down these last few weeks of summer?
This past week was really awesome. The members in our ward are such good examples to me. Most of the ward members are converts and they just love missionaries. They are excited about coming out with missionaries which is really awesome for us. I saw the power of having a member share their testimony in a lesson this week. Armando, this, just the sweetest man you'll ever meet. He used to be an alcoholic and has really changed his life. You'd think he was a general authority or something the way his scriptures are marked and the questions he asks in lessons. He knows the Book of Mormon better than us! He and his wife gave us a big box of granola bars so we can have a snack while we are out during the day, cute huh? And he gives the sister missionaries flashlights so they can backup the car at night haha. Anyways he is just so sincere, and we had such a powerful lesson with him because we had two members with us who shared their testimony of how they got an answer to be baptized. I learned a lot about sharing testimony from them. He said the most sincere prayer at the end of the lesson. This is one of my favorite things we experience every day as a missionary, hearing people pray for the first time, or the first time in a while. It is so powerful because usually they are really scared especially to do it infront of people. So they just have such great faith and you can feel it. I just imagine how much Heavenly Father is enjoying that moment when one of His children is talking to him after a while, how close he is listening. They say really simple things they are grateful for like their car and family and things they need right now like a job. I always feel the spirit so strong and want to improve my own prayers. It also makes me realize how much knowledge I take for granted. When we taught Ofelia how to pray, I just realized, wow she has gone her whole life without knowing that she can talk to her Heavenly Father whenever she wants and not knowing how. You can really feel the power of prayer when you hear someone pray for the first time. I love it and feel so humbled to get to be there when they try it.
I have to tell you about yesterday...we had five investigators come to church! That is a lot for us. And it was so cool because on sat. we did a blitz in our area and met some really awesome people! We met this one guy named Diego who is about 20 and works at a preschool haha and right now he is working on this costume. A huge box he is making to look like a traffic light to run a 5k in. haha ya he is really funny. But we taught him about the Book of Mormon and invited him to church on saturday and he said yes...and he actually came! Don't people have amazing faith? It was really funny because we showed up to church and walked into him, then turned around and bumpded into Armando, And then this sweet lady named Laura who is really shy and has a lot going on in her family showed up with her grandson. We walked in to the kitchen and danced and quiet screamed for a minute because we were so excited to see them here and making friends with the ward members that we didn't know what to do! 
I have to tell you the funniest situation that we are teaching in right now. It was a miracle to us the day we found them. We went knocking on a street near our house and this girl our age opened the door and told us she was a member...haha we were talking more and found out that the english speaking elders in our area are teaching her. We finished knocking that apartment building and as we were walking away this lady came running after us and said you speak spanish? my husband isn't a member and I want you to come teach him. His name is Alvaro, from Peru. And he studied at some religious school in Peru. He also works a lot so our lessons start at about eight thrity and then he talks a lot about what he has learned from his religious school and then his wife always wants to feed us dessert so we make very slow progress with him but he is so so so sweet. The funny part is any time we get a chance to teach and then invite him to church or to read or anything it is hard to keep a straight face because his wife is next to him giving us faces and thumbs up kind of like encouraging us to keep going and getting excited. Haha I really wish some of the stuff we do was recorded! 
I love you all so much! 
Hermana Mulliner  

1 comment:

  1. I really felt a sweetness as I read the words that Hermana Mulliner wrote in this letter! I can feel her really enjoying what she is doing and not focusing so much on the language but just enjoying the wonderful experiences she and her companion are being blessed with! Wow - to have investigators come to church! That is huge and to see them show interest. Love the experience with Armando. Such a great week for the sisters :)
