Tuesday, July 24, 2012



Not much to say about this week...love you guys!!!

Hna Mulliner

Psych! there is a lil more to say about this week! Hey I just thought of this...dal you should start emailing me from your mish email so we make sure that is set up right and everything and we can contact each other before you go bye bye birdie on us! also you should put everyone in the fam...the chosen ones...their emials in too so you have them there before the mtc, an elder in my district didn't know anyones emails haha it was sad he couln't contact anyone for a lil chunk of precious time...
Ok so I really don't know what I say in this messages to the outside world...it is hard to decide what to say and I am so excited to communicate that I don't know what comes out when I start typing! Ah! So much happens in a week its hard to know what to share about our posh mish life over here on the west coast. But every week has seemed to kind of have a theme. This week was a little friend I will call AWKWARD!!! He followed me around everywhere I went this week! haha. I feel bad for ever teasing a return missionary about being weird or awkward because I learned something this week. A missionaries awkward rador goes out the window!!
So I have been trying to just forget that I don't actually know what others and I are saying when we are trying to communicate in spanish and try to have more confidence and just talk more. Haha, but really though, I have been trying to trust more in the gift of tongues and in my calling as a missionary and not worry about the language or saying it wrong or saying the wrong thing or feeling dumb and just talk more! Plus Hna Prince has been encouraging me/forcing me to be a part of the lessons in an unplanned way more. So we are trying to figure out how to teach better in unity i guess. Whew we had a lot of rocky moments.
We were teaching lesson 3 about the gospel and we have this bridge thing we made and pics and scriptures we share. At each step I was trying to say something or ask a question. My thoughts are kind of like this blurb of random! I am not very good at connecting it to things, so I would say something and then there is this awkward pause where everyone wonders if that is all I am going to say, if I am done or ...haha...aw and he even laughed at me at one point during the lesson! It was very awkward the whole time. We invited him to church at the end and I thought I understood his response so then I moved on to ask him to read this chapter in this book we've been giving to people called the Book of Mormon and he said he woud read it. But when we were walking back to the car Hna prince explained to me that basically what happened is we invited him to church he said um and then I was like cool how bout read this chapter?! Haha ...hna prince is being very patient with me :)
Then we had this really awkward end to a lesson. It started out awesome. Maria this super sweet, kind, middle aged woman who is going through kimotherapy. She has a son who just got baptized in to the english ward here and they are just the nicest people I LOVE seeing them. The spirit was really strong as we were watching this video about families being together forever when her brother walked into the house. Everyone's faces dropped. We had never met him or heard about him. We were able to finish the video and testify and we were about to sing a song that she told us she loved. When her brother started asking us all these questions! If our songs were from the bible etc and then alex, the son, started telling him to calm down and they were in each other's faces...the spirit left really fast. We skipped the song and just asked if we could leave with a prayer and he asked us if we were going to have a woman or a man pray and went off again ...he said the prayer and we hurried out of there. maria felt so bad and kept apologizing, but it was actually really cool because we all felt the stark contrast of the spirit when we were talking about our message, and the spirit gone when her brother was talking to us. And then an icecream truck came by and she bought us ice cream haha.
The coolest experience happened yesterday. We were in this lesson with a new investigator we had only met once before. He is an older man that knows A TON about the bible. We brought a member with us and it turned out really interesting. The first 30 ish minutes our investigator and the member kind of bible bashed...we were both sitting there wondering what to do to bring the spirit or if we can teach anything or how to recover. And I was thinking this is a perfect lesson to end the week...super awkward situation! haha. It was a cool moment I had help from Heavenly Father...I interrupted them, and in my head for a minute I was thinking oops what am i doing haha. But then I kept talking and what came out made sense! I told them we respect them both because they both know a lot and love sharing what they know and we are learning a lot from them. But, we all know there is only one true church. And the only way we can know which church it is, is through prayer and feeling the holy ghost. So these points we are talking about are important, but don't reaIly matter. I was soo surprised I was able to be kind of bold and they both were totally listening to what i said! The investigator was looking at me really sincerely. The spirit was there and we were able to talk a little bit about the restoration and have a powerful ending to the lesson.
I just feel everyday how much the Lord's hand is in what we are doing. I love you!!!!!! Thanks for your letters!!!!!! They strengthen me sooo much throughout the week!!!
Hna Mulliner

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