Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Hey fam! So when does dal go into the MTC again? I can't believe it is almost august! Mom thanks for the dear elders I LOVE getting them! What are you guys doing this week? the rest of the summer? when does school start up again?
So this week was a week of adventures!!! On saturday we were planning and we realized that none of our investigators are really progressing...haha...and we are trying to convince them to read and pray and come to church instead of them actually wanting to learn. But we were really excited for that night because we had some appointments with some people we had met the day before and they seemed really solid. So we were really excited to go out and teach some powerful lessons and meet new people who want to learn! .... we went and had some disappointing experiences. This one lady we met on the street and talked to was really interested. We showed up at her house for the appointment right when their whole family was coming home and her husband was not happy that she invited us over, it was pretty awkward haha and sad. Then our other appointment wasn't home and our backup plan hadn't worked out either. So we prayed about which of the other back up plans we should do. While I was praying I felt like I should say "or go knocking" even though that was not one of our back up plans (cause actually I haven't grown to love knocking yet haha). When we were talking afterwards Hma prince said she had a specific street come into her mind so we decided to go there, we hadn't been there before. When we got there haha we were like this is weird because it wasn't a residential street it was business buildings. We decided to get out and walk for a minute. then this van pulls up and this latino family piles out and hma prince hurries over and starts talking to them. They were super friendly and wanted us to come over until the mom said wait...are you guys mormons? haha we said yes...and she was SO rude and then she just walked off. The girls said sorry but we have to respect our mom and we are on our way to church so..bye. Haha so we were left standing on this empty street off buisnesses haha. Again like nothing is working out today and what shoudl we do! Hma prince was kind of discouraged...she had half jokingly asked me everytime one of our back up plans had fallen thoruhg "hma is our church really true?" haha, then I was kind of joking but trying to cheer her up said do you want to go to church?! haha and we thought about it....and went to church! It was an Evangelical church...party! Haha we sat behind the mom and she was dancing really really hard core the whole time and looking back at us, lke to show us that she is really religious or something! We had to leave early because it got late so I don't know if we were supposed to go there for someone esle or for us. Because we walked out of there and I have never felt so strongly about the restoration! We decided to go by a recent convert on the way home and it was a miracle...she was out with one of her friends (who isn't a member) and they had missed their movie so they decided to come home. When we had pulled up to her house I had this line from the intro to the book of mormon in my mind. so we hadn't planned a lesson for her but decided to share that and...we had the most powerful lesson about the book of mormon because we were both feeling so strongly about it after that experience in the church. It was so cool to feel and see the difference of being in that church, and being in the lesson with these people. The book of mormon is so true, the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints is so true! You should all read the intro to the book of mormon!
Haha this week was also the old lady week! We met so many old ladies! A super funny thing that happened was we met this super sweet old lady named was ofelia. We talked to her for a while and became friends. as we were talking about religion we were just talking and she said,"there are just 2 religions I CAN NOT stand...(she said some church) and the mormons!" haha we had a member with us so we al looked at each other and kind of just laughed. We asked her why and shared a scripture and then told her that scripture came from a book of scripture called the book of mormon...she just looked at as us and stopped for a minute. Then she said "so you guys are mormons?!" haha Then it was a really sweet moment she said she never lets people in and never talks to missionaries but she felt some different with us (and because she kept saying I looked like a porcelin doll haha) and she would love for us to come back. It was one of the moments where when we got back to the car we were like that was so cool!
We also met these 2 really funny old ladies sitting outside having girl talk. They were so funny, but when we started talking about religion they were really cold with us. It was amazing, I feel like I witnessed a miracle with them, we could see and feel their hearts change. They were super cold about religion and what we were saying and then by the end we had given them book of mormons and we had to interrupt their reading so we could pray with them and leave. It was so cool!
I love you guys! Thanks for the letters!
Hna Mulliner

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