Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Family!!! This is the reason I love pday, just for email! Thanks for sending me emails!
So President changed how we do transfers. We use to get a call from our district leader on Sat morning about who was being transfered where and who our new companions would be. Now...we get a call sat night but the only info we get is who is being transfered, we don't know where they are going or who the new companions will be. Then we wait until Thursday and every companionship in the whole mission meets and I don't know exactly haha but then you find out where you are going/who your new comp is! So Hermana Prince is being transfered :( I don't know who my new companion will be yet until Thursday morning! I am really nervous. Change just totally freaks me out!! Haha but at the same time I know transfers are inspired so I know it will all work out. To be totally honest this is the conversation going on in my head, "I am nervous that I don't know the area good enough, and I don't know who we are supposed to see when and how often, that we really only have one investigator right now, and people can't understand me! Haha but at the same time I'm not worried at all because its fun when adventures aren't perfect! There is a lot more to laugh at that way! haha. I will not be doing it alone, my new companion will know stuff too. And also I think when I feel a little inadequate I re-realize how much I need to rely on the Lord. Why is it so hard to stay humble?"  Yesterday at church an Hermana came to ask me something about the dinner calendar and she knew hna prince kind of was in charge of that so she was telling me that if we ever don't have dinner to call her and I just started crying! I told her thanks because I was nervous about hna prince leaving and she was so sweet she gave me a hug and told me if I need anything to call her and she wants to feed us and that it will be ok. Haha this little mission has been a trick! I thought I was coming to serve other people but I feel like other people are serving me all the time!
My favorite experience from this week was when we were knocking. This lady took a long time to answer the door and she was acting really weird. She wouldn't look us in the eye and seemed really sad and said she wasn't interested and she didn't want to pray with us. When we were about to knock on the next door we all (we had Giselle with us) felt like we should go back to that door. We stood there for a minute and talked it out haha, we all felt like that was weird and wished we could've shared more with her, but at the same time she said she wasn't interested so we didn't want to be annoying by knocking again. Since we all had felt the same way we decided to be annoying! She opened the door really fast, we all felt like maybe she was waiting for us to come back. But we told her we felt like we should knock again and talk to her.. We gave her a book of mormon and it was so cool to see, you could tell she felt the spirit because she started looking at us by the end.
Sometimes I am nervous to do things like that or to talk to people but Hna Prince told me why are you afraid to do that? That is why we are all on earth together, if Heavenly Father didn't want us to talk to each other or help each other we would all be on our own little Earth's!
Love you all soo much!! Have a good week!!
Hermana Mulliner

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