Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Family!!!!!! I am so excited for pdays just for email! Thanks for sending me letters and emailing me and letting me know whats going on! Please let anyone you talk to if they have written me know how much I truly appreciate it!!!! I wish I could write everyone back but there just isn't time and sometimes when I have a free second on pday I want to just sit haha. So let them know I am showing my appreciation by working harder instead of writing back haha :)
So this week was soo awesome! The Lord has blessed us and our area so much!! We set a baptismal date! His name is Aaron...and it is really fun for me because he is 9. His mom is a recent convert but didn't want him to be baptized until he decided he wanted to. It is the best to teach him! The first time we came over he hid from us haha and our lessons last about 15 minutes tops, but deep down he really likes us. I really love teaching kids because we can only plan really simple lessons, but I think they are just as powerful. He is a really cute kid and we end up teaching about 4 kids because his cousins are always over there and it is really a little tender mercy for me to just get to be with kids for a little bit.
We were teaching Ban the story of Nephi building the boat this week. Hermana Marquez was reading a verse and Ban just starts cracking up. We asked him what happened and he said he thought of a joke in his head...So we asked him what the joke was...he said "Why did Nephi build a ship?" ...."To get to the other side!!" Haha he thought that was soo funny!  But I thought it was really sweet that we were reading the scriptures and laughing, the scriptures are meant to be enjoyed! In between the lines they are full of jokes haha...
One really sweet experience this week was when we finished this lesson with an inactive family and the ten year old boy wanted to say the prayer and in the prayer he said, "please bless the hermanas that they can find more people to take to the celestial kingdom." Haha cute huh? I thought about that the whole rest of the day! That is totally what we are doing, I want to keep that perspective when we are talking to people.
Cool miracle of the week!!! On tuesday the people I was looking forward to see the most weren't home when we went! I was soooo sad. We said a prayer about what we should do instead because our backup plan didn't seem right. After the prayer I remembered where we were. We were around the corner from this old investigator who had moved and hna prince and I had gone to say goodbye to her the day this father of this new family was moving things in. We decided to try by them and the mom answered the door and said come in without us even saying anything haha. We looked at eachother like ok! We sat down on her couch and she looked at us almost in tears, she said it is a miracle you guys are here because I was just saying a prayer telling Heavenly Father I wanted to go back to church but I needed help. Aw man! That was such a testimony builder to me! Heavenly Father answers our prayers and I was so happy we said a prayer about where to go and followed the idea that came to our mind. Heavenly Father is in the details of every day and it is so amazing to be a part of it because it always turns out better than we could have planned!
Hermana Marquez and I are having tons of fun together! We are trying to only speak spanish all the time...sometimes we just have to stop and laugh because she is like what are you trying to say!! haha. Ok we are at a genealogy center and some elders are hovering waiting for a I think thats a hint they want a turn haha. Two zones of missionaries got together and played soccer this morning it was so fun!
Hermana Mulliner

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