Sunday, October 21, 2012

October 15, 2011‏

Hello hello!

So mom we watched conference in the stake center, they have it broadcast in spanish and english. got the halloween package, thanks!!!!! What other questions? 

It was such a good week in Cali!!! Aaron got baptized yesterday!  We found out that Hermana Marquez and I will be staying together this transfer! And it was my favorite Sunday so far in the mish....the primary program! I wish I could describe how cute it is when the little ninos speak spanish but it is so cute!  

I am so humbled every single week. Right now our ward is really struggling. There are only 2 or 3 members who are fulfilling their callings and the attendance at church is very low. On top of that the few transfers before I got here there were quite a few baptisms, but now none of them are still active. We had a ward council meeting yesterday and only us missionaries and the Bishop showed up haha! But it was good because we got to make some plans to try to help the ward! It was very insightful because we have 3 new solid investigators lately but the struggle is always getting them to church. The  Bishop was basically talking to us about how the Lord is probably not going trust our ward with baptisms if they are not ready and going to talk care of them, and asked for our help to strengthen the ward right now. We have been visiting so many ward members and less actives and recent converts and I am just so humbled every time. They all have soo much going on and such serious problems, like I can see and feel why they are slacking from church...but it is also so interesting to see how not being active during the hard times is the exact opposite of what they truly need! I don't know exactly what the solution is for our ward....I just feel the need to pray and fast a lot! 

At the same time there are little miracles all over the place! Aaron's baptism was so amazing! Although there wasn't a whole lot of ward support his whole family came! And only he and his mom are members, so it was basically a roomful of non members and the spirit was so strong! The elders pretty much taught the first lesson through their testimonies while Aaron was changing and, aw you can't explain the spirit, but it was just really amazing. On the night of Aaron's baptismal interview we ended up having to park kind of far away. After wards we came out and it had been raining like crazy! One side of the street was flooded where all the water was draining. The problem was we had parked across the street haha. We ended up walking up the entire street to find a shallow spot to cross...then when we were five feet away from our car I stepped in a puddle so it was all pointless anyways haha. But it was cool because as we were walking back down the street, we felt like we should knock a door, we knocked and an old guy answered the door and said oh my goodness come in! Haha he felt bad for us because we were soaking wet! We got to share the first the lesson with him and his wife and talk about the Book of Mormon. We could not have planned that to happen that way! But I don't think if we were super wet we would have gotten into that house...Heavenly Father has the coolest plans for us that we don't even know about!

Being a missionary is soo cool! There is soo much hype right now from conference about missionary work! It is so awesome! Do you know any fun halloween games? We are having a misionary halloween activity...

Hermana Mulliner

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