Monday, December 10, 2012

Area Numero dos...

Hello Fam!!!! Primero! My new address is:
7123 Etiwanda #14
Reseda CA 91335
If you can't tell by the street name, yes, I got transferred to Africa!!!! :) Please send me a letter this week!
So the area is awesome!! It is a little gold mine of people ready to hear the gospel!! The area itself has the same feel as North Hollywood because it is only about 20 minutes away on the other side of the valley. Except it is a lot bigger. The ward is awesome. We also cover the young single adult branch for our stake...I don't exactly know what that means we do yet, but sounds fun right?
My companion is Hermana Whetten and she is great! From New Mexico, we actually met in the MTC, she came in when I was leaving. She just left her trainer so I think she is adjusting to things being different than what she is used to, when we saw her trainer at a stake activity the other day she cried! I am praying that I am not messing her up! She really likes to excericise and is a really hard worker. I wish I could send you a pic but I forgot my camera. We are different but we both have the same desires to really improve our spanish and work really hard so we are getting along. She is kind of serious so I am laughing by myself a lot of the time haha so if you want to write me this week that would be appreciated :) Our spanish is about the same, so this week has been really funny! I feel like I have improved a lot already though just because we are both forced to speak a ton more because neither of us has a crutch with the language. So it is good, and kind of a little bit painful haha. I have been telling all the members I am from Mexico...some of them actually believed me!
We have had some amazing experiences this week. Our very first night together we were a little lost. I didn't know the area or the people and she was really nervous about being the one to know the area. We mixed up the Moreno family with the Morales family! Common error. We showed up for what we thought was our dinner appointment to the morales house. The Hermana was not there just the dad and we realized they were not feeding us haha. Hermana Whetten hurried and whispered he isn't a member! We were able to have a really great lesson with him. We were late to our actual dinner appointment but the Lord is working miracles in funny ways with us :)
We had Don R.Clark from the 70's come to our zone conference yesterday, wow! My eyes were opened to a lot of things! It was funny because I was thinking ok, i think I kind of feel like I know what I am doing now, then we have a training from a general authority and I realize a ton of things I need to change! One thing he talked about was praying over our ward lists about where to go and where to get referrals.  Last night all of our appointments canceled so we decided to try what he said. We sat in the car with our ward list and prayed about who we needed to visit. We decided on this girl who is a recent convert. We went to her house and she wasn't home, but her mom was. Her mom is not a member, we told her we did not know exactly why we were there but we prayed and felt like heavenly Father wanted us to come to her house. She let us in we were able to talk with her and teach her. It was a cool experience because I felt how the Lord really can guide us to the people that will listen.
Just a reminer to all: stop at stop signs! We were stopped at a stop sign and this car comes around the corner really fast without looking or stopping, we both were screaming....quite a bit! All of a sudden right before it actually crashes into us, the car stops. It crashed into our little angel forcefield! We have no idea how it stopped because there was no screatching and the person was looking at us like did I just hit you or what just happened. I know all of your prayers are protecting me and helping me, and that Heavenly Father can work miracles.
Something that stuck with me from Sister Hall's talk yesterday at zone conference was about Christmas. She was talking about how it will be different for us without all of our normal traditions. She was teaching us from Lehi's dream, and as we were reading about the tree of life she stopped and said, that is your Christmas tree this year. (top that! tree of life for a christmas tree!) The gift we can be striving to help people recieve is the gift of the holy ghost. She also challenged us to try to understand Christmas not just enjoy it. That helped me realize that it is a special thing to be a representative of Jesus Christ at Christmas time! I miss you all a ton! But her "mom" words helped me feel like even though I miss home I can still give my full heart and effort to the people here.
Love you all so much!
Hermana Mulliner

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