Monday, December 17, 2012

Week 2!

Whew I honestly cannot believe this is the start of my third week in this area! It is really weird that it is Christmas time because there is no snow, it's not even cold. Everyone is asking me why I don't have a jacket and I am thinking for what? Some highlights from this week was meeting this inactive girl who introduced us to her blue log, recieving some african tea, doing yoga with Hermana Whetten, actually attempting to do yoga with Hermana Whetten, but my favorite part of the week was last night because it was our stake christmas choir activity. Every ward in the stake sang a christmas hymn, which was a little tender mercy for me because I got to see all the members from North Hollywood! Including Hna Marquez. When our ward was walking up to the stand to go sing some of the kids from North Hollywood ran up and gave me a I teared up! It was also a proud teacher moment haha. North hollywood sang a song in english, so it was really fun to hear it after helping them pronounce the words in english class. It is really hard to switch areas. But Reseda is great so it hasn't been hard to be here!
Last night I had an experience where I opened my mouth and the Lord filled it! A member brought an elderly Jewish lady that she takes care of to the choir activity. This Jewish lady had a ton of questions about mormons. She was an intimidating lady, in a wheelchair and her voice was raspy because of a health problem. She was asking all the different reasons for why mormons do different things and what they believe about certain things. About the temple, scriptures, family history, etc. I was praying the whole conversation because I was feeling like this was a life long build up of questions she had wanted to ask! When we were on the way home I was thinking about her, and realized how did I think to say all of that! Haha, in the moment I didn't recognize it but afterwards I realized I had a lot of help answering those questions.
New years and the Christmas season is an awesome time to be a missionary because people are in the spirit to make change! We met a man this past week and he accepted to be baptized at the end of the month! Our lessons so far with him would be hilarious to an outsider just watching. He talks super fast and kind of slurs his words together so neither one of us can understand him well, so we just sit down and struggle to say what we want to say and then point to things in the pamphlets to answer the question we think he is asking! I think some of our investigators have the gift of interpretation of tongues too!
So, Hermana Whetten and I are doing well, we are working really hard and both have desires to keep improving so missionary work wise we are doing great! But not going to lie this is a companionship I haven't exactly figured out yet. I am trying to do yoga in an attempt to bond with her haha but I am still talking with myself most of the spanish haha. Thanks for the extra letters this week, I seriously appreciate them sooooo much!!! Being a missionary is really soo cool, actually just being a member of this church is so cool!
Hermana Mulliner

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