Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Hello Hello!

I am going to start off with some Hermana Whetten Wisdom! "Any excuse, no matter how valid, always weakens the character." "There is a difference between eating to live and living to eat." Deep huh? Ya so don't worry about me, I am getting life coached every day! Spanish update: now I am understanding enough to recognize what I am not understanding. Haha, sometimes it is frustrating because I feel like I can't have my personality when we are communicating in spanish. But I can tell I am learning.
This week was really awesome for us! We found 6 new investigators. For some reason our pool of investigators pretty much consists of middle aged single men. haha. Which is a struggle and a blessing. It means we always have to find a member that is available to come with us and usually pick them up and drop them off, but that means we always have the help of members in the lessons and our investigators get to know people from church. This week was an eye opener for me. We met a man who straight up told us he is addicted to drugs and alcohol but wants to change his life. After our second lesson with him when we got in the car I just had to cry. We teach him in an empty apartment because he literally has nothing right now. He doesn't have a job, and his family is far away. His circumstances have made him really humble. I thought to myself, this man seriously has nothing and has nothing going for him...why would he care about Joseph Smith or the book of mormon right now? Shouldn't we be hleping him get some food or find a job? Like he has some more important issues right now! It is painful to see someone in such sad circumstances. I am so glad I met him and had to go through this thought process. I learned and was able to testify to him that no matter your circumstances, the story of Joseph Smith and the book of mormon are important! Because through the prophet Joseph Smith, Heavenly Father restored the priesthood and the church of Jesus Christ. It is through Christ that we can truly change and have hope for anything! So actually anyone struggling with anything, what they really need is the knowledge of the restoration!    
I am looking forward to this week because we get to go to the temple! Love you!!!!
Hermana Mulliner

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