Sunday, June 10, 2012



AH I am freaking out that we can count down how many classes are left how many gym periods are left etc....its so sad the other sisters in our room left today. Its funny it stinks to get close with people here because they just leave! Its also funny because we have been here before so many people and they always leave before us, it has felt like we are gong to be here forever, like this is what a mission is haha. And it is so weird that none of the people in my district will be in my mission, we really have become a little family and it feels like we are going to be serving together the whole time. It will be very sad to say goodbye to everyone.

So my companionship is a trio these days! Hma Stull got her visa so she left america! Her companion hma bambrough didn' she was put with us (which is probably just as exciting as leaving the country!)...our companionships did things really differently so I was worried but it has actually been really fun. Its is harder to get places on time, and Our lessons are hilarious because it is really hard to work out teaching with three people so it usually ends up not making sense haha! the hard thing is our whole district got our travel plans this week except Hma bambrough because she has no clue when her visa will come. So it has been hard because there are things we have to do to get ready or other missionaries ask us about it and ask if we are excited but it stinks to talk about it in front of her.

So I had a brave moment and bore my testimony on fast espanol! Lol I don't know if anyone understood it but I was proud of myself because it is embarrassing and scary to speak spanish in front of peole because the elders in the new districts in our zone already speak better spanish than me haha. But I figure I am probably making other people feel pretty good about their spanish when I speak!

So I leave next wednesday the 13th. So I will have one more Pday here. Most of my district leaves monday so I'm not sure exactly what I'll be doing next week...probably have a few parties and stuff...but like other than that Im not flight is at 11:16 and I'm supposed to arrive there at 12:15.I'm not even in the air for an hour! I need more time to freak out before I get there haha. I have to be at the travel office at 8...which is really lucky a ton of people have to get up really early like 3 or 5 or something! I;m not really sure what time that means i'll be able to call home inbetween 9 and 11 ish i guess.

So its really one day I will have a really discouraging experience and then a really encouraging experience! Our teacher decided to do this activity, i totally disagree with this activity btw, where he gave us each a sencerio and we had to practice following the spirit and applying the gospel specifically to them. So He told us real quick what our scenierio was then went around the room pretending to be that person and we had to do this indeividualy infront of the whole class!...I was not liking this idea from the get go. This is the info I had on my person..."teenager". So there was not obvious doctrine the person needed like the other scenerios where a family member just died, about to have a new baby etc. anyways we start doing the activity and it gets to me...I struggle...A LOT! He stops me and makes me start over twice...remember this is in front of everyone. The third time I start again and I am really trying my hardest, digging deep haha and again I fail! so he stops and asks the whole class what I'm doing wrong haha nad what I hsoud do..etc and then says try again...i am really trying not to cry, i start over AGAIN! and still can't figure it out and so what do I do? Yes, I start crying! ah I did not like that day! He didn't know what to do with me i think hah he just said do you want to keep trying and I said not really...haha so he moved on to the next missionary. It just made me feel like how am i going to be a misisonary if I cant even apply the gospel to someone in a fake situation. If i struggle so much applying the gospel that is like what missionary work is about! so I was feeling very discouraged ...o btw that exercise was in english so I was feeling like its not just the spanish that i need to worry about haha.

But then later that day at lunch we got a notice that our companionship had been recommended to do this thing in front of the new misisonaries coming in on wednesday. So that made me feel like hmm not sure why but i guess the teachers don't think I am compeltely hopeless haha. But we got to go to a little training for it (which we got to miss class for which I really needed alittle time away so that was nice) I thought it was going to be an informational meeting...but why would i think it would be somethign easy! it was like a workshop...we had to on our own go approach someone and practice this skill of how to begin teachign that they wanted us to be demonstrating to the new missionaries. They really wanted us to focus on loveing and understanding the person not just getting straight into a lesson. I was not feeling adequate or able to do this becuase of the other experience. but because of that I think i was the most humble i've been so i was a lot more sensitive to the spirit. I wasn't relying on my companion or on my own abilities bc i didn't feel like I had any haha. I did it, Ij ust started talking to the person and the spirit was there. the feedback the elder gave me was positive. It just made me realize. I really don't know a lot about the gospel, I really don't know a lot about how the gospel applies to every situation and I am not the most bold out going person. So really im not realy missionary material! haha! But I can get to know people and care about htem and when I am sincere about doing that the spirit can be there and do the other part. so i am still nervous about doing that infront of the new missionaries but I am realizing experiences I am scared of or uncomfortable with are the ones I learn a lot from. Which really stinks haha.

Something kinda cool I heard this week is ya know how anytime we recieve blessings it is becuase we are obedient to something ... dyc 130:20-21....missionaries have the opportunity get the most blessings than any other people ...because they have the most commandments in their life! haha cool eh? Our devotional last week was Elder Craig Zwick and he talked about the Book of Mormon! Man it was so good, this was my fav thing he said, " Missionary success is directly related to personal testimony and conversion to the Book of Mormon."

ok got to go!!!!! Love you sooo much!!! please keep writing me!!!!

Love love love
Hermana Mulliner!

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