Thursday, June 28, 2012

M to the IRACLES

FAMILY!!!!!!!! So wow your emails were awesome!! So good to hear from you!!!!! ella reese and tate all look a lot older and different! haha so cute!!! I can't believe all that with dal and it is so weird tate is at the farm!

The theme for this week was miracles...wowsa I wish I could tell you EVERYTHING!! My testimony has grown so much about how this is really the Lord's work and I am just here, He is making everything happen. It is so amazing to see and be a part of...I LOVE it! Like we will  be where we had planned but the people won't be home and then we end up meeting these other people that we never could've planned but the Lord knows what he is doing! So I had a tiny little hard moment because I don't understand anything haha I was feeling frustrated because I was thinking how can I help anyone if I don't know what is going on ever! I kind of was questioning why I was called spanish speaking...but the Lord answers prayers so I had a cool experience with Noe the investigator I told you about last week. It was our last lesson with him b/c he is moving and I was telling him he is such a good example to me and I have loved teaching him but he was really sincere and said no, he told me that I have been an example to him because he can tell I am trying really hard to learn spanish to teach him about this he knows he needs to change. It was a moment haha.

It was amazing this week how we would plan a lesson to share with members, inactives or investigators and we would go in and start sharing this message and then people bring up things on their own that we would've had no clue needed to be talked about. Like we went to visit this old couple and we were going to share the plan of salvation and while we were talking about one part they brought up how they want to go to the temple and something that was keeping them from it. I just thought it was so amazing how the spirit works, we were talking about what they needed at that time to come closer to Christ when that is not what we had planned to talk about.

Yesterday we had the coolest experiences all day! We got a referral so we were going to contact him, we were driving all up and down the street and it was packed! There was no where to park. So we drove up and down a few times and nothing haha so we prayed and just said we are here to visit him if we are supposed to visit him help us find a parking spot... then this mini van pulled out right in front of us haha. Then he lives in an apt complex that is gated so the door was locked we couldn't get in, so we said a little prayer again and we turned the knob and it was still locked but then a car drove up and opened the big gate on the side for cars to drive through, haha so we were able to get in! crazy huh, miracles like that happen all day and I am just blown away. Then we went to just visit this family the missionaries hadn't been able to see in a while, they were home, let us in, they had a friend show up while we were talking so we told them we'd hurry and share a message and leave, but then all of them were really interested in what we were saying so we were able to stay the whole time and their friend is interested...we could never have planned that!

Love you soo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mucho mucho!!!!

Love, Sha (hermana Mulliner)

Haha I have a little extra time so I thought I'd tell you some of the funny things that have happend too. awe man I wish you could meet some of the poeple here, it is so great:

So we were teaching this old man outside in a park (which first of all is so amazing! He was willing to walk a long ways to meet us there...such strong faith!) and he spoke kinda blury like I really couldn't understand what he said haha but to end the lesson he said he would pray and I didn't understand it but i thought I heard the word "buffalo" (but with a spanish accent) haha I guess he prayed for us hermanas to have the strength of a buffalo...haha we laughed about that all the way home!  isn't that the best?!

Haha Also people here love trying out english phrases with us haha it is THE BEST! And it is a surprise when they do it so it is even funnier. LIke we were setting an apt with someone and we asked if we could come in the morning and he said, "Oh no, trabajo en la manana girls" haha

At a members house for dinner they said some endearing phrase in spanish to each other and we asked them what it meant and then they were asking what husbands and wives woudl call each other in english haha so we told them pumpkin, sweetie etc haha and they loved saying them and then we said cupcake and she heard us wrong so later she called him pancake! haha!!

Also people love calling on me to pray since I am new and learning spanish! memebers or investigators anyone I had to give the prayer in ward council even. It is good practice but it is just a joke now because EVERY time they love having me do it.

Maybe these aren't even funny to you guys idk but they are things I think about while I'm falling asleep cause they are so funny.

Love you guys so much!!

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