Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Fam fam fam... shmam what is going on?! I miss you!! So I can't believe Dals call!!!!!!!! No spiders thats perfect! I am so excited for him but I wish he was coming into the mtc THIS week! haha. I am also soooo excited for him that he is not learning espanol, lucky punk! I seriously am sooooo excited for him! i want to hear from him what hes thinking, what hes feeling, what hes thinking about what hes feeling, and what hes feeling about what hes but really. tate what did you think?
So this week was sooo hard and sooo good. the keyboard im using is dumb so sorry about the typos and errors. so another apostle came on down to little provo this past biggie. elder l tom perry! this week was really hard b/c my compenera got really discouraged..which i totally understand and don't blame her...but it was just made it kinda lonely some days and I was laughing by myself a lot haha. I decided i want to read the BoM by the time I leave so i have been carrying around this little book of mormon and read whenever there is a little minute...i dont know if ill be able to do it but well see.

So this week our district got chosen for a little somthin somethin. we are now required...yes be up and at the gym at 5;50 in the a.m to be the guinea pigs for this new exercise program they are testing for missionaries...haha! there are about 20 districts that got chosen...what are the chances! there were also three groups within all the districts that is not required to go but can go if they want, one that is not get training just seeing they will do it and figure it out on their own.. and one that is required to go every morning! yes of the three we are in the required1 haha it is so funny tho the workouts are called things like the "stripling warrior" 'carry on" stuff like that. we also have to train our trainers in the field on this program and do it for a couple months...this is also in addition to our gym time which is cool but i am showering about 5o times a jk noth that much but extra times now.

I was really worried about getting up early because we can't go to bed earlier and i am exhausted already so getting up would be really hard1 but I am just learning that really when we are obedient the lord provides a way. like we only have a half hour to shower and be in the classroom....k...that is not long enough is what i was thinking. but Iwant to be obedient and was thinking about how i wanted to follow this but it didn't seem possible and i had this idea of how to do my hair..i know sounds dumb..but it works and is a lot faster haha. the spirit is so strong here at the mtc and i tried hard this week to just enjoy that. not stress out. which was something i had to conciously think about haha. but i noticed i really limit myself. when i am worried about the spanish or teaching skills i am worried about my capabilities. when really if i am trying to be obedient and doing my best thats all i can do...i should get out of the way and let the Lord work through me because he'll be able to do a lot more than i can.

My favorite quote this week "what we obtain too cheaply we esteem too lightly"

Sacrament meeting is so stressful here because we all have to prepare talks and then they just call two missionaries up to speak after the sacrament.. in espanol! that is the key....we have to speak in spanish! it scares me like no other! we decided it is a lot like hunger games. we also chose our district leader to be the one to volunteer as tribute if anyone from our district gets called up to speak.

Well man time goes by fast on here love you!

Hermana Mulliner

P.S. Also had a super cool experience this week in the trc....which is my least favorite thing here...which i know is wierd bc that is what ill be doing every day in the field! but we have to go teach lessons to members in spanish and this week was just a struggle...i was struggling to remember the words and wasn't conjugating right at all! haha. it was just not very smooth or anything at all...the last guy we talked to was a very recent rm and he could tell it was a super struggle and helped us a lot...he could tell we were exhausted when it was over and kind of discouraged that we just couldn't say anything. He stopped us as we were walking out and said sisters i just want you to know I hve sat here through 8 sets of missionaries and you are the only ones who testified to me. Just know you are bringing the spirit even though the language is a struggle...and know that sisters pick up the language faster than elders out in the field. I cried! haha just because I had putmy heart into trying to communicate witht his man and i didn't think i did nay thing right. I felt the spirit very strong that I need to stop worrying about the language...which is hard but im trying.

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