Monday, May 14, 2012


How is everyone?!?!?!?!?! Tate get feeling better dude!! Dal sounds like prom was awesome!!! Can't believe you are graduating, so sad I am missing it! Mom your class sounds no fun haha! The lil chicks are sooo cute! We are supposed to tell you we will not be able to call on Mother's day. :( I miss you so much!! We get to run outside for gym now and we run past the street where I made you guys turn in before you dropped me off to cry. It makes me laugh! and makes me miss you a lot.I love you so much and appreciate the letters and packages and dearelders so much. We were hitting the pinanta the night of cinco de mayo and a we had a knock on our door....we thought we were in was a branch presidency wife and we thought o no...she came in looked at what we were doing and then said..well i need a turn to hit it! lol so she hit the pinatat with us! When you send a nother sd card I'll send ya the picks and there is one video but i found out I don't think we are supposed to video so ooops. Thanks for the package it was awesome! Do you guys have plans for the summer already? When is school out? Sorry your call hasn't come yet dal! That might partly be bc of me is kind of nice to have something like that to look forward to each week...and once it comes I won't have that news to look forward to anymore haha! YOu would crack up at this one elder in my district. He is hilarious but doens't know he is hilarious! He is this skinny latino boy from arizona going to boise on his mission and he is into karate. When he is walking around he does random karate chops and stuff as he goes.Haha its great. At dinner another elder poked a hole in his pie (no se why...elders can be so weird!) and this elder got way made and said, "If you ever touch my pie again i'll karate chop kick you in the face!" and he was serious. Haha it was soooooooooo funny. Hermana Walker and I get a kick out of the things he says bc we are always thinking, who says that! We get kind of loopy around dinner time, everything becomes funny! We just sit there and talk about all the dumb things we have said and done that day...which is usually a lot!! haha but for some reason it all becomes HILARIOUS at dinner time! so it is the best to sit by him at dinner because then everything is even more funny!
How are Ella and Reese? Are you guys doing anything new and fun? Thanks for the pictures from the girls! LOVE THEM!
So wow!! This week was so good!! I was humbled a lot this week. Sunday was mission conference and President Brown told this story of this missionary in the MTC last year whose mom unexpectedly passed away while he was here. then his dad died of cancer of few months later when he was in the field, and he stayed on a misison. Then later that nightwe got to watch the movie called Joseph Smith prophet of the restoration or something, and I was jut blown away. You see what he and his family, and all the early saints went through. I recommend watching that movie...with a box of tissues! I just realized I am complaining about learning spanish and people have gone through much more for this gospel. It was just a day of feeling the spirit and realizing I am nothing compared to this whole work, and what some people have gone through.I am more committed to the gospel and to become the best missionary I can after that day. One of the speakers told us "you are opening the doors to the celestial kingdom to the children of God." I liked that perspective a lot. And then to top it off there is ice cream in the cafeteria on sundays! With brownies to mix in!
I think the shell shock of being at the MTC kind of wore off this week. We are getting into the routine of things and really learning a lot. Today a whole district of elders in our zone are leaving which is way sad because that is a lot of familiar faces that wont be around at meals, gym, devotionals etc. any more. But we are supposed to get 4 sisters this week! So the whole comfort zone thing....guess what I got assigned to be this week? Haha the music coordinator for our branch! lol I don't think the branch president knows how much of a joke that is! But he'll probably find out when he sees i can't lead music in english...I REALLY can't lead music while trying to read/sing the song in spanish! And that is probably one of the most scary things I could think of to do.
So I just wish mine and sister walker's (which by the way i never have to say or write my own name ahah so i think i mightve signed some letters sister walker last week...haha it was really me, sister mulliner, that wrote them lol) lessons could be recorded so you could see them, cause it is quality entertainment. This week we had the most hilarious wasn't supposed to be funny though. So our investigator didn't see why she needed to be baptized again because she was already baptized in another church so we were practicing our lesson in another room and the resource teacher came in to "help" us. sometimes they are so eager to help that they overhelp so its not really help. He basically told us to change our whole lesson and we were teaching in ten minutes...that is a lot of spanish to remember in ten minutes! But he showed us this cool object lesson with a paper. The paper represents the gospel, in its fulness like how it was when Christ was on the earth, then when He and the apostoles died we didn't have the priesthood and there was no prophet so people took bits and pieces of the gospel and formed their own churches. At that point you rip up the paper in to little pieces and form piles to represent the different churches. How they are all good and all have parts of the gospel but not the fulness. Then you tell the Joseph Smith story and gather all the papers together to show that the gospel has been restored to its fulness just like how it was when Christ was on the earth. Idk if that makes sense. so we were going to try to explain and do this little demo in spanish with only a few minutes to prepare. We were very nervous!
It ended up going like this. "El evenagelio" (the gospel) as we held up the paper. Then we got nervous and panicked... so we just started ripping it up. Then we just said "iglesia...iglesia...iglesia.." (church, church, church) as we put the papers randomly around. Then we looked up at her....then we started into the Joseph Smith story and my companion said "Dios y Juesucristo se le aparecieron a Jesucristo" God and Jesus Christ appeared to...Jesus Christ. At that point I could not hold it in anymore, I started laughing, our investigator started laughing, and we all just laughed haha. So we basically ripped up the gospel in front of her!
My favorite quote from this week was, "We see ourselves in terms of yesterday and today, God sees us in terms of forever." -Elder Wirthlin
I just have to tell you yesterday was the happiest day so far in the MTC. Hermana Walker and I were talking during gym and we were both telling each other how something was jut good today. I just had the thought....people are praying for you. I have never felt the prayers of other people for me before. But yesterday I could feel it. We have been trying to only speak spanish to eachother outside of class...but we forget or get discouraged after two words when we realize we can't say anything in spanish! (our conversations sounds SO foolish and probably don't make any sense to anyone else b/c we know eachother and know what we are kind of trying to say haha) so we get discouraged before we even get to breakfast. But yesterday we did not forget to speak it to eachother, and i don't know exactly what was different because we still talked worse than a two year in spanish but we kept doing it and we just felt like we learned a lot yesterday. Thank you for thinking of me and praying for me. Even though spanish has not gotten much easier I do not feel alone and my faith is strengthened by you even though I am not with you! I feel so much support and I realize I could not do this without that. Thank you. Thank you so much for your letters and dear elders! I really can't tell you how exciting it is even if it is two sentences to hear from somebody!! Please keep writing!! I love it!!
Love you so much! And can't wait to hear from you guys!
Love, Hermana Mulliner
p.s. mom im not expecting packages every week haha! but if you send another one done iwth tates teach or something beofer I leave the mtc it would be nice to have a box of granola bars and some reg size sticky notes. The werther lil things and jolley ranchers have been my fav! and i love the nut mixes things youve sent! really your packages ahave been the best!!!!! thank you!!!! Love you!! Happy mothers day!!!!

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