Thursday, April 26, 2012

Week 2


Ah! Yesterday was sooooooo hard!  Our schedules changed this week and our pday got changed to Tuesday...we didn't know this until Sunday evening so it was such a let down because we have been looking forward to it then we found out we would have to wait another day to email and have a lil break... yesterday was seriously sooooooooooo long and hard and discouraging. But now it's Tuesday so that's good!

Where to start!!!  Something funny that happened was on Sunday we get to go on a walk around the Temple.  Hermana Walker and I were so pumped for that because it was sunny!  We were looking forward to it all day, we decided to go change into some cooler clothes because it was really hot when it was our turn to go.  So we went back to our residency and changed.  Then we went to go look at the full mirror outside of our room, check ourselves out ya know, we went to go back into our room and we got denied! We had locked ourselves out! I didn't have my shoes on yet we could only find two other sisters in residency. They offerred to lend me some shoes to go down to the office. This sister actually had the exact same shoes that I did...just twice the size! So I had to walk clear across campus in these shoes way too big for me and we hadn't put our tags on yet either, haha. Also this week a fire alarm went off at 1:30 in the morning!!!!  We thought it was a drill but it wasnt.  We had to sit in the gym for a little while then we got let back in, but we still had to wake up at 6:30 the next day. Also our branch president's wife came to check up on us in our residency one night and I had just gotten back from brushing my teeth and whatnot,  Hermana Bambrough and I decided to put this white face mask stuff on our faces that night so I'm sure branch president's wife gave an interesting report to the president that night haha.

Spanish is!!!  Spanish is still not really my friend.  I don't feel like I speak it any better than last week.  It is kind of frusterating because a few elders in our district are not very obedient, they write letters to their girlfriends, sleep and talk during study time, and yet they are speaking spanish so well! I am studying my tushy off and I am struggling so much!  So honestly I appreciate your letters so much!  You can't write too often!
Sister Dibb was the speaker in relief society on Sunday and that was sooo cool!  She just told us about her dad (the prophet!) and some advice he would give to us.  Sunday was such a boost. It was cute, she said she loves coming to the MTC because there probably isn't a place in the world where more prayers are being offered in one location.  She thinks the Spirit is so strong here because we are all doing something new and often times when we do something new we are humbled.  I think that is so true.

You should all go to and watch the Witnesses of Christ videos, they are so good!  I love Elder Holland's.  My favorite thing he said was, "the atonement of Jesus Christ is the compassionate foundation and central fact in God's eternal plan for our salvation and our happiness." I just loved that he called it the "compassionate foundation" and the "central fact." That is so powerful!

Elder Stephen Allen talked at Sunday devotional and told a story about what he did at a drinking fountaing he waited for this little boy to get close to driniking and then pushed the button of the other fountain so it would squirt the kids face. And that is what satan is going to try to do with us. Push our buttons and frustrate us. But that we need to recognized discouragement and negative thoughts are from satan. I needed to hear that because I have been discouraged this week that I will be able to learn the doctrinces plus the great way to teach them plus spanish. But I liked when he said this, "God wants us to be exhausted at the end of everyday! Work your hardest everyday! It will all be worth it."

The italian sister never made it. Everyone around campus tries to speak the language they are learning, so when we say hi to people in the hall or just around we say hi and whatever in spanish. We were laughing how we are not even communicating with people because no one even understands the language they are speaking! So we decided we could just speak jibberish to people around campus and they would just think wow they must be going to some crazy country haha. So when elders get our doors or we say hi to sisters in the residency we just say random sounds.

It is hard not to overeat...serioulsy after sitting in class i am exhausted and hungry and they ahve so much food here, it takes a lot of self control haha. We say "God be with you til we eat again" because we feel like that is what we look forward to around here haha! and that is when we talk to the rest of our zone. You can tell this zone hasn't had any sisters yet, we have a lot of help in our classroom a lot...too bad they don't really know spanish either.

So Hermana Stull is in my district and one of my roomies, her mom didn't really teach her about make up or doing her hair etc. So we have given her eye liner and she likes using that now but I was wondering if we had an extra flat iron lying around? If not don't worry about it bc she is going to peru so she shouldn't take somehing real nice anyway but if we do could we let her have it? we straightened her hair and she liked it a lot so that would be cool if whe had her own flat iron. She leaves to the peru mtc on tuesday. and maybe a lotion if you have an extra. other things that would be nice are some pics :) I haven't figured out how to get you pics yet. Also a water just one you have lying around a cheapo one. Some almonds :) But i really am doing well! Loving here a lot even though it is hard at times. I am grateful to be here for 9 weeks, I need it! Oh mom my room number is building 17 M room 351. It is the building by the gym, room is on the third floor. My friend Garrett sent a whole box of peanut butter bars!! That was so good!!!!!!

I have learned how to get ready super fast. I've only had to take one cold shower..on sunday when everyone showers at the same time. Mom I just love your letters, they are just so good. Wish i could reply more. Thank you thank you. I miss you and love you tons. I never realized how much missionaries need letters . i want to write to missionaries the rest of my life. I am sorry it is so scrambled and crazy! it is hard to wait a week to get everything out there is so much I want to know about you guys and telll you.  Love you guys so much!! and I miss you so much!! I feel like i have been gone a lot longer than a week and a hlaf!!! Sometimes 18 months seems short sometimes it seems long. Either way I just think everyone shoudl go on a mission! Lvoe you please write! Oh another cool thing would be like a calendar or something with important bdays or things so I don't have to worry about remembering them. I can feel the hugs from your prayers mom. and I found a few more things you had stuffed in my bag haha a few dollars and ibprofen etc. LOVED it! sometimes i don't get teh dear elders the same day you write them but I am getting them. and am LOVING them.

Hermana Mulliner

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